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Author Instructions
Manuscript Definition Abstract Keywords Main Text Structure
Research A Research Article is a seminal and The abstract should 3-8 keywords The main content should include
Article insightful research study and showcases state briefly the four sections: Introduction,
that often involves modern techniques or purpose of the Methods, Results and
methodologies. Authors should justify research, the principal Discussion.
that their work is of novel findings. results and major
conclusions. No more
than 250 words.
Review A Review should be an authoritative, Unstructured abstract. 3-8 keywords The main text may consist of
well balanced, and critical survey of No more than 250 several sections with unfixed
recent progress in an attractive or a words. section titles. We suggest that the
fundamental research field. author include an "Introduction"
section at the beginning, several
sections with unfixed titles in the
middle part, and a "Conclusions"
section at the end.
Technical A Technical Note is a short article Unstructured abstract. 3-8 keywords /
Note giving a brief description of a specific No more than 250
development, technique, or procedure, words.
or it may describe a modification of an
existing technique, procedure or device
applied in research.
Editorial An Editorial is a short article describing None required None required /
news about the journal or opinions of
senior Editors or the publisher.
Commentary A Commentary is to provide comments Unstructured abstract. 3-8 keywords /
on a newly published article or an No more than 250
alternative viewpoint on a certain topic. words.
Perspective A Perspective provides personal points Unstructured abstract. 3-8 keywords /
of view on the state-of-the-art of a No more than 250
specific area of knowledge and its future words.
2.3 Manuscript Structure
2.3.1 Front Matter Title
The title of the manuscript should be concise, specific and relevant, with no more than 16 words if possible. Authors and Affiliations
Authors’ full names should be listed. The initials of middle names can be provided. The affiliations and email addresses for
all authors should be listed. At least one author should be designated as the corresponding author. In addition, corresponding
authors are suggested to provide their Open Researcher and Contributor ID upon submission. Please note that any change
to authorship is not allowed after manuscript acceptance. The authors’ affiliations should be provided in this format:
department, institution, city, postcode, country. Abstract
The abstract should be a single paragraph with word limitation and specific structure requirements (for more details please
refer to Types of Manuscripts). It usually describes the main objective(s) of the study, explains how the study was done,
including any model organisms used, without methodological detail, and summarizes the most important results and their
significance. The abstract must be an objective representation of the study: it is not allowed to contain results that are not
presented and substantiated in the manuscript, or exaggerate the main conclusions. Citations should not be included in the
abstract. Graphical Abstract
The graphical abstract is essential as this can catch first view of your publication by readers. We recommend you submit an
eye-catching figure. It should summarize the content of the article in a concise graphical form. It is recommended to use it
because this can make online articles get more attention.
The graphical abstract should be submitted as a separate document in the online submission system. Please provide an
image with a minimum of 531 × 1328 pixels (h × w) or proportionally more. The image should be readable at a size of 5 cm
× 13 cm using a regular screen resolution of 96 dpi. Preferred file types: TIFF, PSD, AI, JPEG, and EPS files.
Intelligence & Robotics ¦ Volume 2 ¦ Issue 3 ¦ September 2022 V