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Page 10 of 27                   Wang et al. Intell Robot 2023;3(4):538-64  I

               response map varies with the UAVs’ detection results. Denote the grid of detection response map as Ω , in
               which the cell with m-th row and n-th column is denoted as          and the corresponding response value is
               denoted as        . The update of the detection response map after time       can be classified into the following
               three situations based on the detection results of every UAV:

                 (i) i-thUAVfindsatargetin    (     +1 ) withthesituationthat    hasthesameregionaldefinitionas    (     +1 )
                    in Ω (     +1 ):
                                                                      1                                (16)
                                                 (     +1 ) =         (      ) + (   )  · [1 −         (      )]
                    where      1 ∈ (0, 1) is the sensitivity coefficient of detection response. In order to avoid missed detections,
                    the response value is sensitive to detected targets and insensitive to undetected targets. The increase in
                    response value is related to the detection probability of UAVs.

                (ii) i-th UAV finds nothing in    (     +1 ) with the same situation above:

                                                        [        1  ]
                                                     (     +1 ) = 1 − (   )       1 ·         (      )  (17)
               (iii)    is outside the area of the detection range of any UAV:

                                                          (     +1 ) =      2 ·         (      )       (18)
                    where      2 ∈ (0, 1) is the attenuation coefficient of response value.

               In order to improve the path planning efficiency of the search problem, a cooperative search method CSMTPE
               based on MPC is designed with the basic idea of time-domain rolling optimization, which transforms the
               large time-domain search problem into a continuous short-term path planning problem and guides the UAVs
               to search and track targets faster and more effectively [26] .

               4.1. MPC method
               According to the idea of MPC, by predicting and evaluating the search behavior in a limited period of time un-
               der different search decisions, the control input required by the current UAV swarm can be determined based
               on the current environment information. Figure 7 shows the cooperative search decision-making process for
               multi-UAV systems based on the idea of MPC.

               Itisassumedthatanoptimizationprocesswillconsiderthecooperativesearchprocessof       stepsinfutureand
               evaluate the search benefits associated with different control inputs. Denote the search decision set of certain
                                                                                                        (      |      )},
               controlinputsinfutureformulti-UAVsystemsattime       as U(      |      ) = {U 1 (      |      ), U 2 (      |      ), , U    (      |      ), , U      
               1≤  ≤     , in which U    (      |      ) = {      (      |      ),       (     +1 |      ), ,       (     +      −1 |      )} is the set of the control input sequence
               in future for i-th UAV and       (     +   |      ) is the corresponding control input at time      +  .

               Obviously, the quantitative search effectiveness of the search path can be uniquely obtained through an objec-
               tive function J(·), which is based on the state   (      ) and search decision set U(      |      ) of the multi-UAV system
               at time      , and the prediction evaluation process of the search can be achieved. Finally, the optimal search
               decision set U (      |      ) can be obtained by the optimization model of MPC as follows:
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