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Page 6 of 27                    Wang et al. Intell Robot 2023;3(4):538-64  I

                                                       (      )
                                                       3         3       
                                                     −   +       2 ·e      ,    
                                                                 1  e e    > 0
                                            F      =                                                    (2)
                                                 0,                 e e    ≤ 0
               where e    is the unit direction vector of the flight direction of i-th UAV, e      is the unit direction vector pointing
               vertically to the target from the direction of e   ,       is the response amplitude of virtual evasive force B, and
                    1 and      2 represent the corresponding response distances in straight and vertical directions, respectively.
               This assumption reasonably estimates the target’s evasive behavior toward the UAV’s pursuit. The final evasive
               virtual force of the moving target can be represented as:

                                                  [  ]               
                                                        ∑       ∑
                                              F =      =   F    =  F      + F                           (3)
                                                           =1     =1
               In summary, based on the Gauss-Markov motion model, it is assumed that the motions in the x and y axes are
               independent of each other, the transition probability density function of the target from the position (      ,       )
               to the position (     +1 ,      +1 ) after one motion cycle Δ   can be represented as:

                                                            1   − 2   2 [(     +1 −      ) +(     +1 −      ) ]
                                      {(     +1 ,      +1 )|(      ,       )} =                         (4)
               In order to appropriately allocate the proportion of random movement and the directional evasive movement,
               the hyperbolic tangent (tanh) function is used to saturate the virtual evasive force of the target in this paper.
               Therefore, the means of       and       and variance of    can be defined as:

                                                           = tanh(∥F∥)
                                                         =       +             ·
                                                         =       +             ·
                                                 3        = (1 −           )·           

               where           ∈ [0, 1] is the saturated partition coefficient of evasive movement. According to the common defi-
               nitionofthe 3   rule,             isappropriatelyallocatedbytheguidanceofvirtualevasiveforce, andconsequently,
               the evasive maneuver of targets can be realized.

               2.3. Detection model of UAV
               The UAV detection range is defined as a square area with a side length of       centered on the UAV’s current
               position, which can be represented as the mission grid cell and its adjacent cells where the UAV is located.
               Considering the real-time changes in UAV position, denote the detection grid of i-th UAV as Ω , which can
               be regarded as a certain range in Ω , and its side length is       times that of a single mission grid cell. Same as
               above, the detection grid cell of i-th UAV with m-th row and n-th column is marked as    . Figure 5 shows
               the specific representation of the detection grid of i-th UAV.
               The i-th UAV can only detect the area within Ω . The detection is carried out in every single detection grid
               cell, and the detection probability corresponding to    is    , which can be defined as a general form [25]  as:
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