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Topic: Swarm Intelligence for Robotic Systems

                                           Haibin Duan is currently a Professor at the School of Automation Science
                                           and Electrical Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing, China. He also
                                           serves as the Vice Director of the State Key Laboratory of Virtual Reality
                                           Technology and Systems and the  Head of the  Bio-Inspired Autonomous
                                           Flight Systems (BAFS) Research Group at Beihang University, Beijing,
                                           China.  Additionally,  he  is a  participant  in  several  prestigious national
                                           programs, including the Chang Jiang Scholars Program of China, Scientific
                                           and Technological Innovation Leading Talent of “Ten Thousand Plan”-
                                           National High-Level Talents Special Support Plan, and Top-Notch Young
                                           Talents Program of China, Program for New Century Excellent Talents in
                                           University of China, and Beijing NOVA Program. Professor Duan has led
                                           key projects of the Major Research Program of the National Natural Science
                                           Foundation, the National Natural Science Foundation Enterprise Innovation
              Prof. Haibin Duan            Joint Fund, the National Natural Science Foundation, the National Science
              Beihang University,          Fund for Outstanding Young People, and the Innovation Special Zone of
                Beijing, China.            the Science and Technology Commission of the Military Commission. His
                                           work also includes equipment pre-research and other high-impact initiatives.
                                           His current research interests focus on bio-inspired intelligence, biological
                                           computer vision and multi-UAV swarm autonomous control. With over
                                           90  SCI papers,  four  monographs and  41  invention  patents,  he  has been
                                           recognized as a highly cited scholar of Elsevier China for many years. He is
                                           the Editor-in-Chief of Guidance, Navigation and Control, and an Associate
                                           Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics and IEEE Transactions on
                                           Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs.

                                           Jinguo Liu is currently a researcher and doctoral supervisor of Shenyang
                                           Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is a recipient
                                           of  the  National  Outstanding  Youth  Science  Fund  and  is recognized  as  a
                                           young talent under the National Special Support Plan. In recent years, he
                                           has led and participated in numerous significant projects such as manned
                                           space engineering and Chang’e Project. He has served in various high-level
                                           roles, including chief engineer of a space model, chief designer of a national
               Prof. Jinguo Liu            key model, deputy chief designer and deputy commander, and chief scientist
              Shenyang Institute of        of the special project of “Intelligent robot” of the national Key research
              Automation, Chinese          and development Plan. Additionally, he heads the “Space Autonomous
             Academy of Sciences,          Control Cross-Innovation Team” of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
                Liaoning, China.           His research areas include space robots and space intelligent equipment,
                                           public safety robots and unmanned platforms, and bionic deformable and
                                           reconfigurable robots. He has published over 100 SCI papers, authored five
                                           books, and holds over 70 patents. Among his accolades are the second prize
                                           of National Science and Technology Progress, the first prize of Liaoning
                                           Province Invention, and the first prize of Liaoning Province Natural Science
                                           Academic Achievement Award. He also serves as a deputy editor or editorial
                                           board member for several esteemed academic journals, including Journal
                                           of Field Robotics, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, and Science
                                           China Technological Sciences.
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