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Page 106                         Zhou et al. Intell Robot 2023;3(1):95-112  I

               where |Υ    (  )| ≤      , Lemma 1 tells us,       =   (  )      +     ,       ≥       |   1   (   −   )| ,       =  (−1)  =
                         − 1, based on Lemma 4,
                 Γ(  +1−  )
               Γ(1−  )Γ(  +1)
                                                      (                         )
                                                              1                1
                                                                            2    1−  
                                     |   1   (  )|≤  (  )·        ,              .                     (48)
                                                            2    (1 −    1     )     

               According to the above analysis, the system errors will also converge within the bounded region when the
               sliding variables enter the domain.

               3.4. Selection of control parameters
               Through detailed control input exhibition and stability proof accomplished so far, choosing befitting control
               parameters concerning the factors including control input smoothness and measuring noises is also important
               in the acquisition of outstanding performance. Hence, a parameter selection guideline is provided here.

               Selection of    1  : When the sliding variables enter the equilibrium states, the parameter    1   can make the sliding
               variables decay exponentially rapidly to ensure that the system states converge in a finite number of steps and
               realizetheslidingvariablesconvergequicklyandpreciselytotheequilibriumstates. Increasing    1   canimprove
               the rapidness of the system convergence, but too large a value will lead to serious system chattering. Given this
               trade-off, we set    11 = 15 and    12 = 10.

               Selection of    2  : In equation (47), if    2   is too large or too small, the convergence limit of errors will be affected
               and chattering will occur in the system. To achieve a balance, we set    21 = 100,    22 = 100.

               Selection of   : The smaller the parameter    is, the higher the tracking accuracy will be, but too small will
               seriously make the system chattering problem. For better performance, we set    = −1.7.

               Selection of   :    =  , the selection of    and    must satisfy the odd number of       >       > 0, making   (  )
               have no switching item, which can effectively eliminate chattering. we set       = 5 and       = 3.

               Selection of   ,   ,   : In equation (19), the parameter   ,   ,    are the system overcomes the main parameters per-
               turbation and external disturbance, but the parameter selection inappropriate tends to cause system chattering.
               In order to get better performance, we set    = 500,    = 2,    = 160.

               Selection of      : The larger the parameter       is, the faster the system reaches the sliding mode surface, but it
               also causes chattering. Taking this tradeoff into consideration, we set    1 = 0.6 and    2 = 0.6.

               Selection of   : The smaller the parameter    is, the smaller the sliding mode bandwidth will be obtained. But
               it is better to set    = 0.5 so that the boundary layer of the sliding variable is   (   ).

               Remark 2: For the method proposed in this paper, the stability of convergence in finite steps has been proved
               in the above parts. This method combines the global memory characteristics of fractional order operators,
               accelerates the convergence rate of the system, and makes the system errors approach zero quickly. Moreover,
               adaptive law is added to adjust the width of the quasi-sliding mode band in real time to reduce the chattering
               of the system. Compared with CSMC algorithm [26]  and FTSMC algorithm [27] , it can improve the dynamic
               response ability of the system.
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