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Page 100                         Zhou et al. Intell Robot 2023;3(1):95-112  I

               3.2. Controller design
               To synthesize the advantages of the fractional order sliding mode surface and the fast terminal sliding mode
               controllawtoconstructthecontroller, theappropriatefractionalorderslidingmodesurfaceshouldbeselected.
               Several fractional order sliding mode surfaces have been described in the literature [8,12–14,22] . Inspired by the
               above strategies, the discrete fractional order sliding mode surface selected are as follows:
                                         (  ) =    1    1 (  ) +    2 (  ) +    2    [|   1 (  )|       (   1 (  ))]
               where    1 (  ) = [     1 (  ) −    1 (  ),      2 (  ) −    2 (  )] is the tracking error between the desired position and real
               position,    2 (  ) = [     3 (  ) −    3 (  ),      4 (  ) −    4 (  )] is the tracking error between desired velocity and real
               velocity,       (  ) ∈    4×1  is the reference signal vector,    1 =         (   1   ) (   = 1, 2),    2 =         (   2   ) (   = 1, 2) are
               selected constant matrices, 0 <    =  < 1 with      ,       being both odd positive integers.
               Remark 1: For a nonlinear system, when the system state is far from the equilibrium point, the fractional
               order terminal sliding mode surface proposed by Sun et al. [22]  can ensure that the system converges in a finite
               time. However, considering that the system state is close to the equilibrium point, the terminal attractor can-
               not guarantee the fast convergence of the system. In this paper, a linear term    1    1 (  ) is introduced into the
               sliding mode surface, when the system state is close to the equilibrium point, the convergence time is mainly
               determined by the linear term    1    1 (  ), which can accelerate the convergence of the system. Therefore, the
               sliding mode surface designed in this paper not only makes the system state converge in a finite time but also
               preserves the rapidity of the linear sliding mode when it is close to the equilibrium point.

               To make the system stable, for the system model (8), the ideal quasi-sliding mode band should meet the fol-
               lowing requirements:   (   + 1) = 0, then the controller can be obtained as follows:

                                                           11  0  1 0
                                                      1 =                                              (16)
                                                         0      12  0 1

                                1 [      (   + 1) −    (  ) −   (  )  (  ) −   (  )] +    2    [|   1 (  )|       (   1 (  ))] = 0.  (17)
               The equivalent control law is:
                                      (  ) = [   1   (  )] [   1 (      (   + 1) −    (  )) +    2    [|   1 (  )|       (   1 (  ))]].  (18)
               terminal sliding mode reaching law used for system model (8) is:
                                            (   + 1) =       (  ) −     Φ|  (  )|       [  (  )]       (19)

                                                          (  ) 2  
               where,    =         (      ) with       = 1 −        −[      ]  ,    =         (      ) with       = 1 −         , Φ =         (Φ    ) with
               Φ    =   |      (  )|,    > 0, 0 < 1 −          < 1, 0 <    < 1,    and    are positive real numbers,    = 1, 2.

               Then the switching control law         is as follows:

                                            (  ) = −[   1   (  )] [      (  ) −     Φ|  (  )|       [  (  )]].  (20)
               Combining (8), (15) and the reaching law (19), an AFOFTSMC law is obtained, and the corresponding control
               input can be expressed as
                                                    (  ) =         (  ) +         (  ).                (21)
               Substituting equation (21) into the sliding mode function   (   + 1), which can be written as:
                                         (   + 1) =       (  ) −     Φ|  (  )|       [  (  )] −   (  )  (22)
               where   (  ) =    1   (  ), |  (  )| ≤       , |      (  )| ≤      .
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