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Harrod et al. Hepatoma Res 2019;5:28  I                                              Page 7 of 13

               Figure 2. Advantages and disadvantages of treating HCV prior to or post-liver transplantation [33,35]

               therefore pose a disadvantage in terms of wait-list time, thus allowing potential for tumour progression .
               This is particularly relevant in locations with high volumes of HCV-positive liver donors  [Figure 2].
               In addition to the potential impact on HCC outcomes, an impact on HCV outcomes has been
               demonstrated in patients receiving DAA therapy pre- vs. post-transplant [Figure 2]. One recent large
               retrospective study demonstrated a difference in SVR rates between pre- and post-transplant treated
               patients, with the latter seeing improved clearance . In terms of liver transplantation, there are certainly
               advantages and disadvantages of treating HCV prior to HCC [Figure 2], which should be considered on an
               individual basis.

               The evidence to date offers a compelling argument for considering treatment of the HCC before treatment
               of HCV. These findings require further data in order to make concrete recommendations in terms of HCV
               treatment timing, and each case should still be reviewed on an individual basis.

               DAAs and systemic therapies
               There is a paucity of data regarding concomitant use of DAAs and the systemic agents used in advanced
               HCC. Sorafenib was the breakthrough targeted therapy first used in the treatment of advanced HCC
               and although its effect on median overall survival does not extend life expectancy beyond one year, it is
               yet to be superseded a decade after the seminal SHARP trial [56-58] . Sorafenib is a multi-kinase inhibitor
               with a potent inhibitory effect on c-Raf . NS5a - a non-structural protein produced by HCV that is
               integral in viral replication - has been shown to bind to cRaf  and, studied in vitro, inhibition of cRaf
               by sorafenib effectively blocks HCV replication . Multiple other mechanisms of sorafenib inhibition of
               HCV replication, such as alteration of the viral entry step, the production of viral particles and Claudin-1
               downregulation, have been demonstrated [61-63] . Though the antiviral effect of sorafenib in human studies
               to date have been disappointing, this association has not yet been excluded [56,64,65] . Interestingly, Sorafenib
               has been shown to provide a greater benefit in overall survival in HCV patients when compared to other
               aetiologies of liver disease . Newer drugs including lenvatinib, a multi-kinase inhibitor, in the front-line
               and regorafinib, cabozantinib (both multi-kinase inhibitors) and ramucirumab (an antiVEGFR mAb) in
               the second-line have been incorporated into new guidelines and are now increasing in use , but their
               potential interactions with DAA regimens have been explored still less.

               As many trials for the new DAA regimens excluded patients with HCC, there is a little data on the
               interaction between targeted therapies and DAAs . One small case series noted that there were no
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