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Ratti et al.                                                                                                                                                               Fast-track management in patients with HCC

            Table 4: Intraoperative outcome among groups
            Variables                            Lap-group (n = 60)      Open-group (n = 60)         P
            Procedure, n (%)                                                                         NS
               Wedge resection                        19 (31.7)               16 (26.7)
               Segmentectomy                          16 (26.7)               21 (35.0)
               Left lateral sectionectomy             8 (13.3)                  3 (5)
               Bisegmentectomy                         6 (10)                 11 (18.3)
               Right hepatectomy                      5 (8.3)                  5 (8.3)
               Left hepatectomy                        6 (10)                  4 (6.7)
           Resection extent, n (%)*                                                                  NS
               Minor                                  49 (81.7)                51 (85)
               Major                                  11 (18.3)                9 (15.0)
           Associated procedures, n (%)                                                              NS
               Cholecistectomy                        31 (51.7)                33 (55)
               RF ablation                            4 (6.7)                   3 (5)
           Operative time, min, mean ± SD             190 ± 55                140 ± 45               NS
           Blood loss, mL, mean ± SD                 200 ± 100                300 ± 250              NS
           Conversion to laparotomy, n (%)            8 (13.3)                  NA
           Pringle maneuver, n (%)                    50 (83.3)                48 (80)               NS
           Resection margin, n (%)
               R0                                     59 (98.3)               58 (96.7)              NS
               R1                                     1 (1.7)                  2 (3.3)               NS
           Total PRBC transfusion, n (%)               6 (10)                  7 (11.7)              NS
           Nasogastric tube removed in OR, n (%)      60 (100)                59 (98.3)              NS
           Drainage placement, n (%)                  11 (18.3)               13 (21.7)              NS
           CVC placement, n (%)                       4 (6.7)                  6 (10)
            Epidural/paravertebral analgesia, n (%)   52 (86.7)                51 (85)               NS
            Need for ICU, n (%)                       1 (1.7)                  1 (1.7)               NS
           *Covariate used for propensity score matching. PRBC: packed red blood cells; OR: operating room; ICU: intensive care unit; RF:
           radiofrequency; CVC: central venous catheter; NA: not available; NS: not significant

           Table 5: Postoperative outcome among groups        group (respectively 1,000 ± 200 mL and 600 ± 100 mL,
           Variables              Lap-group  Open-group  P    P = 0.05), so that the drainage was left in place longer.
                                    (n = 60)  (n = 60)        The analysis of the series after exclusion of converted
           Postoperative mortality, n (%)  0 (0)  0 (0)  NS   patients confirmed the same findings.
           Postoperative morbidity, n (%)  9 (15)  10 (16.7)  NS
               Minor (grade I-II)    6 (10)   8 (13.3)  NS    Overall, median length of postoperative  stay was
               Major (grade III-V)   3 (5)     2 (3.3)  NS    comparable between groups, being respectively 4
           Postoperative liver failure, n (%)  1 (1.7)  2 (3.3)  NS  days (range: 3-9 days) in the Lap-group and 5 days
           Ascites, n (%)           7 (11.7)  8 (13.3)  NS    (range: 4-10 days) in the open-group. Median time for
           Hemorrage, n (%)         1 (1.7)    1 (1.7)  NS    functional recovery was 3 days in the Lap-, as well as
           Biliary fistula, n (%)   1 (1.7)    2 (3.3)  NS    in the open-group. The rate of readmission was 3.3%
           Pleural effusion, n (%)  2 (3.3)    5 (8.3)  NS
           Oral feeding, median (range)  1 (0-1)  1 (0-2)  NS  in the Lap-group (2 patients were re-admitted: 1 due to
           Mobilization, median (range)  1 (1-2)  1 (1-3)  NS  fever and 1 for refractory ascites) and 5% in the open-
           Bowel canalization, median   2 (1-4)  3 (2-5)  NS  group  (3  patients:  1  biliary  fistula,  1  pleural  effusion
           (range)                                            and 1 fever).
           Adequate pain control orally,   3 (2-4)  4 (2-5)  NS
           median (range)                                     DISCUSSION
           Time for functional recovery,   3 (2-5)  3 (3-5)  NS
           median (range)
           Agreement for discharge,   3 (2-8)  4 (3-6)  NS    Liver surgery for HCC, in patients managed within a
           median (range)                                     fast-track approach,  seems to be feasible  and  safe
           Hospital stay, median (range)  4 (3-9)  5 (4-10)  NS  both when performed by minimally-invasive  and by
           Rate of readmission, n (%)  2 (3.3)  3 (5)   NS    open  approach.  This  is,  to  our  knowledge,  the  first
           NS: not significant                                series that compares the two techniques in an ERAS
                                                              perspective, specifically in patients with HCC, for which
           1.7%, P = 0.041) and finally, in patients who required   laparoscopic approach was proved to be associated
           intraoperative placement of the surgical drainage, daily   with improved outcomes in terms of intraoperative
           output was higher in the open compared with the Lap-  bleeding  and postoperative  complications.  Outside
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