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Topic: Natural Products and Hepatocellular Carcinoma

          Natural products and hepatocellular carcinoma
          Natural products and hepatocellular carcinoma

          Mosaad A. Abdel-Wahhab

          Food Toxicology and Contaminants Department, National Research Center, Dokki, Cairo 12622, Egypt

          Address for correspondence:
          Prof. Mosaad A. Abdel-Wahhab, Food Toxicology and Contaminants Department, National Research Center, Dokki, Cairo 12622, Egypt.
          Received: 14-06-2015, Accepted: 09-07-2015

          Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a major health problem,   interest concerning the health benefits of a diet rich in NPs.
          with more than 500,000 cases diagnosed annually. It is also   NPs can act as chemoprotective agents against common liver
          an important cause of human mortality in the world. The   diseases, such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver cancer, fatty liver
          incidence of HCC is rising due to the widespread of hepatitis and   diseases, and gallstones. [1]
          alcoholism, which may be caused by infection, injury, exposure
          to drugs or toxic compounds, autoimmunity, or genetic defect   In general, NPs play a key role in drug discovery and are also
          that leads to the deposition of harmful substances. [1]  a prolific source of novel lead compounds or pharmacophores
                                                              for medicinal chemistry. Although naturally active substances
          In the broadest sense, natural products (NPs) are chemical   are usually good lead compounds, most of them can hardly
          compounds or substances produced by a living organism   satisfy the demands for druggability. Hence, these structural
          found in nature. [2,3]  Consequently, NPs can be extracted from   phenotypes have to be modified and optimized to overcome
          animals, plants, microbes, and marine organisms. [4,5]  NPs   existing deficiencies and shortcomings. [13]
          can be considered as a coin with two sides, which have to
          be considered in the application in modern or alternative     Although HCC is always hard to treat, this special issue aims
          medicine. Some NPs have beneficial effects while some   to gather updated progress in this important area and shed
          others have toxic effects. For example, mycotoxins and   the light on the possibility to introduce a new drug based
          some other microbial toxins are carcinogenic, and the   on the benefit of NPs.
              International Agency for Research on Cancer classified
          several mycotoxins as hepatocarcinogenic.  Exposure to       Financial support and sponsorship
          some mycotoxins resulted in liver cancer, [7-10]  especially   Nil.
          aflatoxin B , which is a mutagenic natural compound that
          contaminates many food sources in some parts of Africa and   Confl ict of interest
          Asia and is recognized as hepatocarcinogens in humans and   There is no conflict of interest.
          many animal species. [7,11]
          The use of herbal medicines can be traced back several
          thousand years ago in ancient China, ancient Egypt and   1.   Ling CQ, Chiu JH, Oh B, Cho WC.   Natural products for liver diseases:
          ancient Roma. Recent research pointed out an increasing   basic, clinical, and translational research.  Evid Based Complement
                                                                  Alternat Med 2012;2012:794343.
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                                                              For reprints contact:
           10.4103/2394-5079.161626                             How to cite this article:  Abdel-Wahhab MA. Natural products and
                                                                hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatoma Res 2015;1:107-8.

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