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potentially risky conditions such as alcohol intake, tobacco   aminotransferase. Interestingly, this positive effect of
           habit, overweight, diabetes, aflatoxin consumption and oral   caffeine is mainly relevant in heavy drinkers. [12,13]  Notably,
           contraceptives use, should be considered. [3]      coffee consumption would be inversely related to the hazard
                                                              of cirrhosis, which is the main risk factor of HCC. [14,15]
           Barcelona-Clinic Liver Cancer (BCLC) staging system is a
           widely used set of criteria to guide management of patients   Although  some  authors [16,17]   suggested  a  not statistically
           with HCC. It takes into account tumor stage, liver functional   significant association between coffee consumption and risk
           status,  physical  status  and  cancer-related  symptoms.    of HCC, many other studies reported positive results.
           Surgical treatment of HCC is a potentially curative approach,
           including liver transplantation (LT) and liver resection. LT   In an Italian case-control study (including 250 HCC),  coffee
           is the best treatment option for patients fitting the “Milan   intake showed a significant protective role against HCC. In
           criteria” since it removes both neoplasm and underlying   all patients, ten-year coffee intake was associated with a
           liver disease. For patients with single tumor < 2 cm, with   decreased  risk  of  HCC  with  a  dose-effect  relation  (double
           a Child-Turcotte-Pugh class A, without clinically significant   with 3-4 cups/day respect to 1-2 cups/day).
           portal hypertension and with normal bilirubin, liver resection
           represents a feasible strategy.  Ablation with ethanol or   In a further Italian study (185 HCC),  patients drinking≥4
           acetic acid or thermal, is another potentially curative option.   cups/day (no decaffeinated) had a  lesser  risk  of HCC
           It is practicable in patients with single, small tumors not   respect to the others.
           candidates for surgery.  Many HCC cases are diagnosed in
           stage B of BCLC algorithm, for which the standard of care   Tanaka et al.  developed a Japanese case-control study (209
           is the transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE).    HCC) showing that coffee consumption during the last 1-2
           Lastly, sorafenib is the unique universally approved systemic   years, was associated with a decreased risk of HCC. Another
           palliative drug for BCLC C patients. [4]           Japanese case-control study including 73 HCC, analyzed the
                                                              role of coffee in patients with hepatitis C.  Coffee drinking
           In the European  and in the North-American  guidelines,   ≥1 cup/day significantly reduced the risk of HCC compared
           no natural product is mentioned neither for the prophylaxis   to the abstinence. The same data were found for hepatitis B
           nor for the treatment of HCC. On the contrary, in the Asian-  chronic carriers  with a risk reduction of 30-80%.
           Pacific ones,  natural products are cited for both primary and
           secondary prophylaxis.                             Two  large  Japanese  prospective  studies [23,24]   including
                                                              hepatitis B, C and sieronegative subjects, reported that
           Literature data are available regarding the coffee-derived   drinkers of ≥ 5 cups/day had a lower dose-dependent HCC
           substances as prevention tools in high-risk populations,   risk respect to abstinent patients.
           the possible prevention or adjuvant effect of many kinds of
           Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and possible utility of   The relationship between coffee and  risk of  HCC was
           cannabinoids as antineoplastic drugs.              studied also by Johnson et al.  through a large prospective
                                                              study including 63,257 patients. The authors reported that
           Hereby, we sought to review the current knowledge on   subjects consuming ≥ 3 cups/day experienced a 44% of HCC
           the  role  of  some  natural  products  in  the  prevention  and   risk reduction.
           treatment of HCC. The research included published articles
           (peer  reviewed  original articles,  review articles  and meta-  Hu et al.  firstly analyzed the possible association between
           analyses). The search terms included “natural products and   coffee consumption, serum gamma-glutamyltransferase and
           hepatocellular carcinoma”, “natural products and liver”,   HCC. The study cohorts included 60,323 patients without
           “hepatocellular carcinoma treatment options”, “coffee   cancer. During a median follow-up period of 19.3 years, 128
           and HCC”, “Traditional Chinese Medicine and HCC”, and   participants developed HCC. According to the author’s data,
           “cannabinoids and HCC”.                            a combination of very low coffee consumption and high level
                                                              of serum GGT was associated with nearly nine-fold increased
           COFFEE                                             risk of HCC.

           Many data are available about the dose-dependent protective   In 2007, Bravi et al.  performed a meta-analysis based on 10
           effect of coffee respect to the development of liver disease   studies (both European and Asian) and a total of 2,260 HCC
           and HCC.  Both in vitro and in vivo studies showed that several   cases. Authors reported a 41% of reduction in HCC risk among
           coffee compounds such as diterpenes, cafestol and kahweol,   coffee drinkers compared to non-drinkers. In the same year,
           may act  on  some  enzymes  involved  in  carcinogenesis. [9,10]    Larsson et al.  published another meta-analysis with similar
           Diterpenes, cafestol and kahweol seem to modify the   conclusions.  In  2013,  Bravi  et al.   conducted  a  further
           xenotoxic metabolism via induction of glutathione-S-  meta-analysis including more recent studies. According to
           transferase and inhibition of N-acetyltransferase.  Caffeine   the authors, coffee drinkers had a decrease of 40% in the
           and antioxidant substances from coffee beans, may improve   risk of HCC compared to abstinent patients. Moreover, high
           some  liver  enzymes,  such  as  γ-glutamyltransferase  and   coffee drinkers showed more than 50% of risk drop. Notably,
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