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cause gastric irritation, stomach upset, nausea, diarrhoea,   anti-cancer action and would also protect against the side
           allergic  skin reaction,  and antithrombosis  activity.  The   effects of the current chemotherapeutic agents. Previous
           Food and drug administration  has declared curcumin   studies have also claimed its antitumor effects against
           as: generally regarded as safe.  Curcumin exhibits both   various types of cancers due to its inhibitory effects on
           antioxidant and prooxidant activities.  These opposing   many types of pathways. In this article we have discussed
           actions of curcumin might be regulated by its concentration   various pharmacological activities of curcumin along with
           that might switch roles. Thus research studies are needed   its various antitumor mechanisms.
           to study the effects of curcumin in different conditions and
           the doses need to be titrated to get the maximum benefit.   As we  have discussed, oxidative  stress  is  a risk factor
           Till date, there have not been any long-term studies with   cancer. Curcumin, being a strong antioxidant has been
           curcumin, which show its toxic or adverse effects. Such   proved to  scavenge  reactive  species  and can control
           studies are necessary in both animal models and human   tumor cell proliferation. Although preclinical results are
           subjects to determine the long term safety of curcumin.   promising but its clinical use in the treatment of HCC and
           Currently, there are no carcinogenic effects of consuming   HB remains to be elucidated.
           curcumin in doses of around 100-200 mg/day over long
           periods of time. [70]                              Curcumin has the ability  to modify many signaling
                                                              pathways demonstrating its anti-tumor potential. Also, we
           CONCLUSION                                         noticed that curcumin has been proved to possess strong
                                                              anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Curcumin
           Liver cancer is a leading cause of death in children and   also targets principal anti-antigenic molecules like VEGF
           adults. The treatment  revolves around chemotherapy,   and COX-2. All these properties of curcumin are essential
           radiotherapy  and    surgery.  Recent   advances   for its use as a therapeutic anti-tumor agent. It provides a
           include  transcatheter  arterial  chemoembolization,  future perspective for the development of a novel adjuvant
           radioembolization,  anti-angioigenic  drugs like sorafenib   anticancer agent for humans.
           and liver transplantation in advanced  stages. Despite
           improving diagnostic methods, the results have been   Poor bioavailability  and hydrophobicity of curcumin
           far from satisfactory mainly due to advanced  stage at   are the main  obstacles in its  path to be used clinically
           diagnosis and the side effects of chemotherapy. However,   as an anti-tumor  agent.  However this  issue  can be
           the successful cure of liver cancer mandates destruction   resolved with the advancements in the drug delivery like
           of  both  the  differentiated  neoplastic cells and the   formation of nanoparticles and microcells of curcumin via
           potential cancer stem cells. The conventional anticancer   polymerization and these can be used to target cancerous
           therapies  reduce the  tumor  mass,  but  potentially leave   cells without affecting  other normal cells. Thus we  can
           behind cancer-initiating  cells. Thus, new combinations   conclude that curcumin might be a promising candidate
           of therapies may be  needed to overcome the  complex   as an adjuvant therapy for liver cancer in the future
           network of signaling  pathways,  and ultimately  inhibit   but further research is needed to elucidate its various
           the signaling that controls tumor growth and survival.   mechanisms of action, to reveal its therapeutic strategy
           Adjuvant curcumin along with the current modalities of   and to titrate the dose required to reap maximum benefit.
           treatment may help to overcome the side effects and also   Financial support and sponsorship
           have synergistic action as an anti-cancer agent.
           Curcumin has been reported to inhibit telomerase activity   Conflicts of interest
           in human cancer cell lines.  Synergistic anti-cancer effects   There are no conflicts of interest.
           of curcumin has also been demonstrated in conjunction
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