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Yang et al. Hepatoma Res 2020;6:37 I Page 9 of 13
of cirrhotic portal hypertension, and that the transplantation of spleen tissue into the retroperitoneal cavity
can partially retain immune function . The cited researchers believe that this operation can not only retain
the function of the spleen, but also has a combined effect of blood flow cut-off and diversion when the
collateral circulation is well formed . Some authors believe that the autotransplantation of the spleen must
weigh over 50 g to retain the immune function of the spleen, but when the spleen was cut into 8 small pieces,
23-28 g/piece, and transplanted in the omentum, the postoperative infection rate did not increase, and
complement and immunoglobulin were normal, indicating that this procedure also has a certain therapeutic
effect .
PVT is the most important complication that affects the prognosis of patients after splenectomy, which
may further aggravate portal hypertension and cause postoperative bleeding. Therefore, attention should
be paid to preoperative prediction and evaluation, intraoperative improvement of surgical methods, timely
postoperative monitoring and prevention. Clinicians should be fully aware of all aspects of a patient’s illness,
such as the etiology, classification, degree of obstruction, comorbidities of postoperative PVT, etc. Of course,
there is still much controversy about the understanding of risk factors of PVT after splenectomy. Therefore,
multidisciplinary randomized controlled trials are needed.
Authors’ contributions
Made substantial contributions to the conception and design of the study and interpretation of results: Yang
Contributed to the article and Figure: Guo T
Performed literature collection and provided technical suggestions as well: Zhu DL, Zheng S, Han DD
Put forward targeted opinions on the content, and control the quality of manuscripts: Chen Y
Availability of data and materials
All data are fully available without restriction.
Financial support and sponsorship
Conflicts of interest
All authors declared that there are no conflicts of interest.
Ethical approval and consent to participate
Not applicable.
Consent for publication
Not applicable.
© The Author(s) 2020.
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