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Yan et al. Energy Mater 2023;3:300002  Page 13 of 32

                Figure 5. (A) Schematic illustration of in situ XRD cell. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [79] . Copyright (2019) Wiley-VCH. (B) In situ
                XRD patterns of (top) bare Li anode and (bottom) LiF-Li anode upon first charge-discharge process. Reprinted with permission from
                Ref. [80] . Copyright (2019) Springer Nature. (C) Schematic illustration of in situ Raman cell. Reprinted with permission from  Ref. [81] .
                Copyright (2015) Wiley-VCH. (D) In situ Raman spectra of ether and MIP-based electrolytes, respectively. Reprinted with permission
                from  Ref. [83] . Copyright (2019) Springer Nature. (E) Schematic diagram of cell used for in situ MRI. Reprinted with permission from
                Ref. [90] . Copyright (2015) American Chemical Society. (F) In situ NMR and susceptibility calculations enable to characterize the types of
                Li microstructures nondestructively in a functioning battery. Reprinted with permission from  Ref. [94] . Copyright (2015) American
                Chemical Society. (G) Schematic of  Li in situ NMR technique used to study dead Li formation and (H) corresponding  Li NMR spectra.
                Reprinted with permission from  Ref. [92] . Copyright (2020) American Chemical Society. (I) Experimental setup for in situ NDP
                measurements. Reprinted with permission from Ref.  . Copyright (2019) Elsevier. (J) Operando NDP measurements of first plating and
                                                                    -2                -2
                stripping cycle including the plating and striping activity at (top) 0.5 mAh cm  and (bottom) 2 mAh cm . Reprinted with permission
                from Ref.  . Copyright (2018) Springer Nature. (K) 2D evolution of Li distribution as a function of charging time based on normalized
                neutron radiographs. Reprinted with permission from Ref.  . Copyright (2019) American Chemical Society.
               detect the Li-ion concentration variation during electrochemical processes in real time. Romanenko et al.
               conducted a quantitative MRI study on solid-state ionic plastic crystal electrolyte-based batteries . Li-ion
               transfer into the electrode matrix during the ongoing discharge of the anode results in partial liquefaction of
               the electrolyte at the metal interface. Displacement of the liquefaction front is accompanied by faster Li-ion
               transfer through grain boundaries at the electrode. The arrival of Li  ions then leads the electrolyte to be
               partially liquefied at the electrode interface, leading to an enhancement in the charge transmission.

               NDP, which is based on low energy neutrons, can quantify the concentration of Li  ions directly. In situ
               NDP, as a nondestructive analysis tool, provides a feasible method to determine the electrochemical
               reaction sites and electromigration and kinetic processes of the metal anode. Li et al. exhibited the Li
               electrodeposition behavior in a Li-Li La Zr Ta O  (LLZTO)-Ti solid-state battery (with a 3D Ti
               electrode) by in situ NDP (Figure 5I) . Lv et al. investigated the spatial heterogeneity of Li metal during
               deposition and dissolution processes with NDP [Figure 5J] . They demonstrated the impact of high
               current density in reducing the Li distribution density for the first time. It was found that Li integration
               under low current density (0.5 mA cm ) and high current density (2 mA cm ) was significantly different,
               indicating the effect of initial electroplating current density on the SEI and subsequent cycles. Recently,
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