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Ernest et al. Complex Eng Syst 2023;3:4  I  Page 11 of 22

                                 Table 1. Individual Components that made up best chromosome fitness of 389.49.
                                              Fitness Component        Value
                                              Marines Alive (x25)      100.0
                                              Total Friendly Health Remaining  292.0
                                              Total Hostile Health Remaining  0.0
                                              Timestep Penalty (-Timestep/100.0)  -2.51
                                              Total                    389.49

                                Figure 6. Generational and cumulative fitness values of Genetic Algorithm population.

                        Figure 7. Frame captures 1 (Left) and 2 (Right) of the mission depicting the evaluation of the best chromosome.

               In Figure 7 there are 2 frames of the performance displayed. It is a very active mission, with over 70 actions
               per second executed by this particular AI model, equating to around 4,200 actions per minute for the roughly
               5-9 seconds this mission will last. Obviously this is quite higher than even expert humans would be able to
               maintain, but again following humanistic restrictions is not a focus of this particular study. There is non-
               determinism, but the problem typically ends with a few of the marines having been defeated, in this case there
               were two defeated marines.

               Additional training and and increasing the size of the training portfolio would likely lead to greater perfor-
               mance, but for the purposes of this formal verification study, the resultant chromosome is sufficient. It is high
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