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           Editor-in-Chief                   Elisa Giovannetti                 Thomas Litman
           Godefridus J. Peters              Lab Medical Oncology, VU University   Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences,
           Laboratory Medical Oncology, VU   Medical Center, Cancer Center Amsterdam,   Department of Immunology &
                                             Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Cancer
           University Medical Center, Amsterdam,   Pharmacology Lab, AIRC Start-Up Unit,   Microbiology, University of Copenhagen,
           Netherlands                                                         Copenhagen, Denmark
                                             University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
           Editorial Board Members           William Henry Gmeiner             Giovanni Martinelli
           Yehuda G. Assaraf                 Department of Cancer Biology, Wake   Istituto Scientifico Romagnolo per lo Studio
                                                                               e la Cura dei Tumori (IRST) Srl-IRCCS,
           Fred Wyszkowski Cancer Research   Forest University School of Medicine,   Meldola, Italy
           Laboratory, Technion - Israel Institute of   Winston-Salem, NC, USA
           Technology, Haifa, Israel                                           Larry H. Matherly
                                             Ivana Grivicich
           Joseph R. Bertino                 Cancer Biology Laboratory, Lutheran   Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute,
                                                                               Wayne State University School of
           Departments of Pharmacology and   University of Brazil, Canoas, Brazil  Medicine, Detroit, MI, USA
           Medicine, Rutgers Cancer Institute of New
           Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ, USA    Georg Hempel
                                             Clinical Pharmacy Group, Department of   Martin Michaelis
           Benjamin Bonavida                 Pharmaceutical and Medical Chemistry,   School of Biosciences, University of Kent,
           Department of Microbiology, Immunology,   University of Münster, Münster, Germany  Canterbury, UK
           and Molecular Genetics, David Geffen   Marja Jäättelä
           School of Medicine, University of   Cell Death and Metabolism Unit, Center   Hans Minderman
           California, Los Angeles, CA, USA  for Autophagy, Recycling and Disease,   Division of Medicine, Roswell Park Cancer
                                                                               Institute, Buffalo, NY, USA
                                             Danish Cancer Society Research Center,
           Stergios Boussios                 Copenhagen, Denmark
           Oncology Department, Medway NHS                                     Enrico Mini
           Foundation Trust, Kent, UK        Gerrit Jansen                     Department of Health Sciences, University
                                                                               of Florence, Florence, Italy
                                             Department of Rheumatology, Amsterdam
           Ingolf Cascorbi                   Rheumatology and immunology Center
           Institute of Experimental and Clinical   (ARC), Cancer Center Amsterdam, VU   Patrycja Nowak-Sliwinska
           Pharmacology, Christian Albrechts   University Medical Center, Amsterdam,   Molecular Pharmacology, School of
           University Kiel, Hospitalstr. 4, Kiel,   Netherlands                Pharmaceutical Sciences (EPGL),
           Germany                                                             University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
                                             Markus Joerger
           Claudio Cerchione                 Division of Medical Oncology, University   Paola Perego
           Istituto Scientifico Romagnolo per lo Studio   of Basel, Basel, Switzerland  Fondazione IRCCS, Istituto Nazionale dei
           e la Cura dei Tumori (IRST) Srl-IRCCS,                              Tumori, Milan, Italy
           Meldola, Italy                    Michael Kahn
                                             Department of Molecular Medicine, City   Roger M Phillips
           Paul Dent                         of Hope's comprehensive cancer center,   School of Pharmacy, University of
           Department of Biochemistry and Molecular   Duarte, CA, USA          Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK
           Biology, Virginia Commonwealth
           University, Richmond, VA, USA     Ganna Kalayda                     Chiara Riganti
                                             Institute of Pharmacy, University of Bonn,   Department of Oncology, University of
                                             Bonn, Germany
           Thomas Efferth                                                      Torino Torino, Italy
           Department of Pharmaceutical Biology,   Shashank Kumar
           Institute of Biochemistry and Pharmacy,   Department of Urologic Oncology, Case   Jose Antonio Rodriguez
           Johannes Gutenberg University, Staudinger   Western Reserve University, Cleveland,   Department of Genetics, Physical
           Weg 5, Mainz, Germany             Ohio, USA                         Anthropology and Animal Physiology
                                                                               (School of Medicine) of the University of
           Carlos G. Ferreira                Hang Fai Kwok                     the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Basque
           Oncoclinica Group, Oncoclinical Institute,   Faculty of Health Sciences, University of   Country, Spain
           Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.           Macau, Macau, China
                                                                               José Rueff
           Jean-Pierre Gillet                Lucia R. Languino                 Nova Medical School (NMS), Universidade
           Department of Biomedical Sciences,   Department of Cancer Biology, Sidney   Nova de Lisboa/Faculty of Medical
           Faculty of Medicine, University of Namur,   Kimmel Cancer Center, Thomas Jefferson   Sciences, New University of Lisbon,
           Namur, Belgium                    University, Philadelphia, PA, USA  Lisbon, Portugal
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