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Table 2. HNC cell drug resistance-related microRNAs
Tumor MiRNAs Cell line Expression Target Functions Corresponding Ref.
type level drugs
NPC miR-106a-5p C666-1, CNE2 Down SOX4 Enhance DDP resistance in NPC CDDP [37]
NPC miR-200c CNE1, CNE2, 5-8F Up c-Myc Promising approach to overcome Cisplatin [43]
the oncogenic role of c-Myc in NPC
NPC miR-101-3p HNE-1/DDP, Up SOX2 Inhibit cisplatin resistance through CDDP [47]
C666-1/DDP miR-101-3p/SOX2/ZIC5 axis
NPC miR-1278 CNE-1, CNE-2, Up ATG2B Sensitize NPC cells to DDP and CDDP [52]
C666-1, 5-8F, reduce autophagy
NPC miR-106a-5p CNE1 Down ARNT2 Improve recipient cell proliferation, CDDP [63]
metastasis, and chemoresistance
NPC miR-205-5p HNE1/DDP Down PTEN Restrain EMT progression of CDDP [70]
HNE1/DDP cells
NPC miR-454 5-8F, SUNE-1 Down USP47 Suppress NPC cell viability and DDP CDDP [78]
NPC miR-422a S18, S26 Down FOXQ1 Promote NPC cell metastasis and CDDP [80]
NPC miR-181a C666-1, SUNE1 Up KDM5C Delay NPC cell progression / [82]
LSCC miR-216a-5p Tu-686, SNU899, Up ZEB1 Downregulate the cell proliferation / [35]
SNU46, Tu-177 and migration and invasive ability
LSCC miR-107 TU-177, AMC-HN- Down HMGB1 Increase cisplatin resistance CDDP [48]
LSCC miR-425-5p Hep-2 Up PTCH1 Regulate laryngeal carcinoma cells CDDP [81]
through miR 425 5p/PTCH1
OSCC miR-188-3p SCC-4, SCC-9, Down ABCB1 Promote cisplatin resistance of Oral CDDP [36]
CAL-27, UM1, Squamous Cell Carcinoma
OSCC miR-155 UPCI-SCC-131, Down FOXO3a Suppress the stem-cell-like property CDDP [49]
UPCI-SCC-131R and drug efflux transporter protein
OSCC miR-1249-3p CAL27, SCC15 Down ATG9A Promote autophagy and induce CDDP [51]
cisplatin resistance
OSCC miR-34 OECM-1/PTX Up p53 Increase DNA damage and Paclitaxel [55]
apoptosis in a p53-depended
OSCC miR-494 HSC3, HSC4 Down NQO1 Induce drug resistance and increase CDDP [56]
OSCC miR- SAS subclones Up AKT, Increase both oncogenicity and drug CDDP [68]
371/372/373 β-catenin resistance
and Src
OSCC miR-1252-5p CAL-27 and SCC4 Down FOXD1 Upregulate LPP expression CDDP [76]
OSCC miR-3148 CAL-27 and SCC4 Down FOXD1 Upregulate LPP expression CDDP [76]
OSCC miR-619-5p HN6 and CAL27 Up ATXN3 Inhibit proliferation and arrest cell CDDP [84]
cycle progression
TC miR-9-5p Nthy-ori 3-1, Up SPAG9 Sensitize ATC cells to DDP CDDP [79]
SW1736, 8505C
TSCC miR-200c HSC-3 Down TUBB3 and Increase resistance to DTX, Paclitaxel [38]
PPP2R1B migration, and invasion and
decrease apoptosis
TSCC miR-214 CAL-27 and CP- Up ULK1 Antagonize antitumor effect CDDP, paclitaxel [50]
TSCC miR-2392 CAL-27 and SCC- Up AGO2 Inhibit apoptosis and cisplatin CDDP [53]
9 sensitivity
TSCC miR-5787 Cal27 Down MT-CO3 Inhibit the translation of MT-CO3 to CDDP [54]
regulate cisplatin resistance
HNC: Head and neck cancer; NPC: nasopharyngeal carcinoma; DDP: cisplatin; CDDP: cisplatin; LSCC: laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma; OSCC:
oral squamous cell carcinoma; TC: thyroid cancer; TSCC: tongue squamous cell carcinoma; DTX: docetaxel.