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Artificial Intelligence Surgery

           C O NT E NT S

           Topic: Role of Artificial Intelligence in HPB Surgery

           1       Artificial intelligence in hepatopancreaticobiliary surgery: a systematic review
                     Mustafa Bektaş, Babs M. Zonderhuis, Henk A. Marquering, Jaime Costa Pereira, George L. Burchell, Donald L. van der Peet

           2       Artificial intelligence HPB surgery - current problems, future solutions?
                     Derek A. O’Reilly, Henry A. Pitt

           3       Training in robotic pancreatic surgery
                     Sam Body, Michal Kawka, Tamara M.H. Gall

           4       Artificial intelligence in hepatopancreaticobiliary surgery - promises and perils
                     Christina Boutros, Vivek Singh, Lee Ocuin, Jeffrey M. Marks, Daniel A. Hashimoto

           5       Machine learning for prediction of postoperative complications after hepato-biliary and pancreatic surgery
                     Iestyn M. Shapey, Mustafa Sultan

           6       Potential of artificial intelligence in the risk stratification for and early detection of pancreatic cancer
                     Daniela R. Tovar, Michael H. Rosenthal, Anirban Maitra, Eugene J. Koay

           7       Applying artificial intelligence to big data in hepatopancreatic and biliary surgery: a scoping review
                     Kieran G. McGivern, Thomas M. Drake, Stephen R. Knight, James Lucocq, Miguel O. Bernabeu, Neil Clark, Cameron Fairfield,
                     Riinu Pius, Catherine A. Shaw, Sohan Seth, Ewen M. Harrison

           8       Augmenting care in hepatocellular carcinoma with artificial intelligence
                     Flora Wen Xin Xu, Sarah S Tang, Hann Natalie Soh, Ning Qi Pang, Glenn Kunnath Bonney

           9       Robotic pancreatoduodenectomy - how I do it: tips, tricks and pitfalls to standardize the technique to reduce
                    postoperative morbidity and mortality
                     Long R. Jiao, Rajendran Vellaisamy, Tamara Gall

           10     Role of artificial intelligence in pancreatic cystic neoplasms: modernizing the identification and longitudinal
                    management of pancreatic cysts
                     Russell C. Langan, Henry A. Pitt, Erika Schneider

           11     The role of radiomics in hepato-bilio-pancreatic surgery: a literature review
                     Riccardo De Robertis, Marco Todesco, Daniele Autelitano, Flavio Spoto, Mirko D’Onofrio

           12     Can 3D visualisation and navigation techniques improve pancreatic surgery? A systematic review
                     Martyn Stott, Ambareen Kausar

           13     Current state of radiomics in hepatobiliary and pancreatic malignancies
                     Mahip Grewal, Taha Ahmed, Ammar Asrar Javed

           14     Application of artificial intelligence to hepatobiliary cancer clinical outcomes research
                     Yutaka Endo, Laura Alaimo, Giovanni Catalano, Odysseas P. Chatzipanagiotou, Timothy M. Pawlik

                       Artificial Intelligence Surgery
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