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He et al. Microstructures 2023;3:2023037                           Page 11 of 24

               Table 2. A brief overview of design based on wave propagation characteristics in infinite meta-structures
                                      Meta-structure and
                Design type  Algorithm                         Description                            Year
                Enhancing noise   CNN                          Predicted the absorption spectra of metasurfaces based on  2021
                reduction                                      CNN and conducted experimental verification [106]

                              CNN                              Prediction of sound absorption spectra of absorbers based  2022
                              CGAN                             on CNN and inverse design based on CGAN [107]

                              GAN                              The generated structures can have completely new  2021
                                                               configurations and rich local features. They can be in good
                                                               agreement with experimental results [108]

                              TNN                              Overcoming the data inconsistency caused by the complex  2022
                                                               coupling effect between Fabry Perot channels, the
                                                               experimental results are in good agreement

                              RL                               Exploring deep subwavelength broadband sound absorption  2022
                                                               meta-structures based on RL, replacing the artificial selection
                                                               of structural parameters. The accuracy of the design was
                                                               verified through sound absorption experiments [110]

                              RL                               Employing RL to optimize the huge parameter space with  2023
                                                               nine aperture parameters to design broadband sound
                                                               absorption meta-structures, and further validated through
                              CNN                              Inverse design of the absorber based on the target  2021
                                                               absorption spectrum by employing a one-dimensional CNN
                                                               model. The difficulty lies in the selection of neural network
                                                               structure and hyperparameters
                              TNN                              Inverse design of the absorber based on the target  2023
                                                               absorption spectrum by employing TNN. The model uses
                                                               fewer hyperparameters and has higher accuracy and
                                                               efficiency than traditional CNN

                              MLP                              The inverse design incorporating probability sampling can  2020
                              gaussian                         obtain all possible structures. The transmission spectrum
                              sampling                         measured in the experiment is highly consistent with the
                                                               predicted results, and the accuracy of the report is better
                                                               than models such as ANN and GAN
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