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He et al. Microstructures 2023;3:2023037                            Page 5 of 24

               TNN can obtain multiple reasonable structures as alternative solutions based on inputs. Additionally, in
               order to deal with the situation of only small-scale data, researchers introduced transfer learning into meta-
               structure design [86,87] . Transfer the model trained from similar data sources to the target data for retraining,
               thereby reducing the demand for target data without affecting the training results.

               Another solution is to rely on GAN  and CGAN . In this solution, the generator of GAN takes random
               vectors as input, initiates the generation of a structure, and then sends the generated structure and real
               structure to the discriminator for authenticity discrimination to guide model updates. After adversarial
               training of the generator and discriminator, a generator model that can generate the target structure can be
               obtained. While inputting random vectors, the expected property can be input together to enable the
               generator to generate structures under this condition. The combination mode of RL and meta-structure
               inverse design is to regard structural parameters as agents. These agents execute the action of parameter
               changes, determine feedback based on the proximity of the altered property to the design goal, and finally
               explore a parameter path to achieve the goal.

               As a summary, the overview diagram of ML in the field of meta-structure for forward performance
               prediction and inverse structure design is shown in Figure 1. In addition, there are various types of ML
               algorithms, some of which may be simple and perform well when dealing with specific problems. For
               example, linear regression obtains sample distribution patterns by fitting data points as closely as possible.
               Logistic regression can compress samples to a specific range through nonlinear functions, thus realizing the
               classification of samples. A decision tree is a tree-structured classifier that classifies samples by representing
               branches of different attributes. Multiple groups of decision trees can form a random forest, which yields
               higher performance and prediction stability. However, the increase in the complexity of the model requires
               more computing time. Readers can refer to relevant literature for more information [73,88,89] .

               The emergence of some deep learning open-source frameworks, such as TensorFlow  and PyTorch ,
               helps beginners easily grasp the basic usage of ML. These frameworks are integrated through Python
               packages and can be easily called, eliminating the hassle of writing low-level computational code for neural
               networks. Researchers can use some shared ready-made datasets for training and learning, such as
               Handwritten Digit Dataset, CIFAR10, Fashion-MNIST, and so forth. In addition, the commercial software
               MATLAB also has a built-in toolbox for neural networks, which can be easily modeled through the user

               Design of band structure in infinite meta-structures
               A band structure is the most basic way to describe the acoustic/elastic wave characteristics in meta-
               structure, so it is the most direct research idea to carry out the application of ML in meta-structure design
               around a band structure and the wave information it carries. With the maturity of deep learning algorithms
               and open-source frameworks, a large amount of design work has emerged around band structures, which
               can be mainly divided into two categories: design based on complete band structures and design based on
               bandgaps. Table 1 provides a brief overview of ML for the design of band structures in infinite meta-

               Complete band structures
               For the design of complete band structures, one type of work is to predict the corresponding band structure
               of a meta-structure from a forward perspective to replace the analytical process. Liu and Yu  used MLP
               and radial basis function neural networks (RBF-NN) to predict the band structures of one-dimensional
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