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Shah et al. Vessel Plus 2021;5:53                                                                                             Page 3 of 11

                          Table 1. Pharmacotherapies used in transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy (ATTR-CM)

                          Drug name          Class             Dosing                         FDA approval              Key points                                          Notable adverse effects
                          TTR silencing
                          Patisiran          siRNA             0.3 mg/kg IV, every 3 weeks    Yes, for hATTR            Mortality benefit  , improvement in neuropathy      Vitamin A deficiency, infusion-related
                                                                                              polyneuropathy            impairment scores  , potential reduction in cardiac   reactions
                                                                                                                        hospitalizations and deaths
                          Revusiran          siRNA             500 mg SQ, weekly (daily during  No                      Phase III trial terminated early due to increased mortality  Sudden cardiac death, congestive cardiac
                                                               initiation)                                              in treatment arm                                    failure
                          Vutrisiran         siRNA             25 mg SQ, every 12 weeks       Yes (FDA fast track), for   Phase 3 trial recently completed, but data not yet   Not reported
                                                                                              hATTR polyneuropathy      presented or published
                          Inotersen          ASO               300 mg SQ, weekly (3 times     Yes, for hATTR            Improvement in neuropathy impairment scores  , trend  Thrombocytopenia, glomerulonephritis,
                                                               weekly during initiation)      polyneuropathy            towards mortality benefit                           vitamin A deficiency, infusion-related reactions
                                                                                                                        requires weekly CBC and biweekly BMP and UA
                          AKCEA-TTR-LRx      ASO               45 mg and 90 mg SQ, every 4    No                        Targeted delivery of inostersen-like compound to liver;   Headaches, liver enzyme abnormalities,
                                                               weeks                                                    may reduce safety concerns                          increase in blood creatine phosphokinase, flu-
                                                                                                                        Phase 3 clinical trials underway (CARDIO-TTRansform   like illness
                                                                                                                        and NEURO-TTRansform)

                          TTR stabilization
                          Tafamidis          Benzoxazole       80 mg PO, daily (4 × 20 mg pills) Yes                    Reduction in all-cause mortality and cardiovascular   Allergic reactions, GI distress, headache
                          meglumine          derivative                                                                 hospitalization
                          Tafamidis free acid Benzoxazole      61 mg PO, daily (single pill)  Yes                       Lower pill burden than tafamidis meglumine          Allergic reactions, GI distress, headache
                                             derivative                                                                 Potentially less GI distress
                          Diflunisal         NSAID             250 mg PO, twice daily         Yes, off label            May have comparable mortality benefit as tafamidis  ,   Thrombocytopenia, renal dysfunction, fluid
                                                                                                                        avoid concomitant NSAID use, administer with PPI    retention
                          AG-10              Novel small       400 mg or 800 mg PO, twice     No                        More robust response in ATTRm than ATTRwt   , Phase  Atrial fibrillation, congestive heart failure,
                                             molecule          daily                                                    III trial underway                                  cellulitis, and dyspnea
                          Tolcapone          COMT inhibitor    100 mg PO, three times daily   Yes, for Parkinson’s disease In vitro data only currently available  , prospectively trial  FDA black box warning for hepatotoxicity
                                                                                                                        underway                                            Dyskinesia, GI distress, sleep disturbance

                          TTR resorption
                          Miridesap with     Ligand and        Miridesap: 20 mg/h IV for 3    No                        Phase II study terminated early                     Serious rashes, others not reported
                          dezamizumab        monoclonal        days, followed by SQ three times
                                             antibody          daily
                                                               Dezamizumab: up to 1200 mg IV
                                                               on days 1 and 3
                          misTTR             Monoclonal        0.1-30 mg/kg IV, every 28 days  No                       Phase I study recently completed                    Fall, anemia, URI, back pain, GI distress,
                                             antibody                                                                                                                       insomnia
                          Doxycycline with   Tetracycline      100 mg PO, twice daily         No                        Phase II study showed reduction disease progression  ,  Rash, GI distress
                          TUDCA              antibiotic        250 mg PO, 3 times daily                                 but high rate of serious adverse effects in follow-up study
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