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Levy et al. Vessel Plus 2024;8:4  Page 7 of 15

               Table 1. Key genes associated with ns-TAAD
                               Protein encoded       Type of mutation   Key features
                Mutations in VSMCs
                ACTA2          -actin                Dominant-negative missense Associated with livedo reticularis, iris oculae, PDA
                MYH11          Myosin heavy chain proteins   Dominant-negative missense Associated with PDA
                MYLK           Myosin light chain kinase  Gain-of-function nonsense,   Present with aortic dissection with minimal/no aortic
                                                     missense           enlargement
                PRKG           Type I cGMP-dependent protein  Gain-of-function missense  Correlates with acute aortic dissection
                FOXE3          Forkhead transcription factor   Loss-of-function missense  Not associated with eye abnormalities
                MAT2A          Methionine adenosyltransferase  Loss-of-function missense   Associated with BAV aortopathy
                               II alpha
                Mutations in ECM
                LOX            Lysyl oxidase         Loss-of-function missense   Associated with pectus deformities, striae, BAV
                MFAP5          Microfibril-associated   Loss-of-function nonsense,   Associated with aortic root dilation
                               glycoprotein 2        missense
                THSD4          Microfibril-associated protein   Loss-of-function nonsense   Impaired fibrillin-1 matrix assembly correlates with
                               ADAMTSL6                                 progressive thoracic aorta dilation
                FBN-1          Fibrillin-1           Loss-of-function missense,   Etiology of MFS, also present in ns-TAAD
                                                     nonsense, deletion
                Mutations in TGF-
                TGFB2          Transforming growth factor   Loss-of-function nonsense,   Etiology of LDS; paradoxically increased expression
                               beta-2                missense, deletions  levels found in diseased thoracic aortas
                TGFBR1/TGFBR2  Transforming growth factor   Loss-of-function or dominant- Associated with LDS; predominantly ascending aortic
                               beta-2 receptors      negative missense  disease (aneurysm, dissection)
                SMAD3          Smad3 signal transduction   Loss-of-function missense  Associated with LDS type 3 and ns-TAAD presenting
                               protein                                  with extra-thoracic aneurysms
                SMAD4          Smad4 signal transduction   Loss-of-function missense  Can be associated with JPS, HHT, or combined JPS-
                               protein                                  HHT
                Mutations in cell
                NOTCH1         Notch1 transmembrane protein  Loss-of-function missense  Associated with aortic valve development and BAV

               VSMCs: Vascular smooth muscle cells; PDA: patent ductus arteriosus; BAV: bicuspid aortic valve; ECM: extracellular matrix; MFS: marfan
               syndrome; ns-TAAD: non-syndromic thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection; LDS: loeys-Dietz syndrome; JPS: juvenile polyposis syndrome;
               HHT: hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia.

               aortopathy . In other studies, multiple families have been found to harbor an MYH11 mutation associating
               ns-TAAD and PDA  [39,42] . However, Harakalova et al. identified two families with MYH11 mutations that
               failed to segregate in the TAAD/PDA affected families, indicating the development of aortopathy is a
               multifactorial process with a role for environmental and epigenetic factors not only genetics .

               MYLK: Two gain-of-function variants in MYLK (myosin light chain kinase) have been associated with the
               development of ns-TAAD. Upon sequencing of 193 probands, two families possessed different variants (one
               nonsense, four missense) in the MYLK gene but displayed a similar phenotype - aortic dissection with
               minimal to no previous aortic enlargement . Additionally, Hannuksela et al. evaluated a five- generation
               family with genetic sequencing and aortic measurements. Their findings include five of the 19 living
               members experiencing aortic dissection or rupture, with only two surviving the event. Interestingly, those
               experiencing dissection or rupture had no differences in aortic stiffness or diameter compared to non-
               carriers of the mutation in the same family. These findings indicate that dissection in those who carry an
               MYLK mutation may not be preceded by a measurable, clinical aortic change .
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