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Gomes et al. Vessel Plus 2023;7:24  Page 3 of 16

               Table 1. Incidence of SCI reported in the current literature, considering different extensions of aortic repair performed either open or
                                                                    Number of patients included  Reported incidence
                              Author       Type of procedure
                                                                    in the study           of SCI
                Open surgery  Nishi et al.  Open total arch replacement  61                6.6%
                              Chiesa et al. [11]  Open repair of descending thoracic   194  4.6%
                              Coselli et al.  TAAA open repair      3,309                  4%-13.9%
                Endovascular   Liang et al.  Endovascular arch repair  40                  2.5%
                procedures              [14]
                              Matsumura et al.  Thoracic endovascular aneurysm repair  160  5.6%
                              Motta et al.  Fenestrated/branched repair   150              2.6%
                                           of complex anatomy aortic aneurysms
                              Aucoin et al. [16]  Fenestrated/branched repair   1,681      7.1%
                                           of complex anatomy aortic aneurysms

               later enables blood flow in a cranial or caudal direction from the hypogastric or subclavian arteries as
               needed. Finally, the concept of vascular territories organizes the spinal cord perfusion in four arterial supply
               territories: cervical arteries (fed mainly by the subclavian and vertebral arteries), intercostal arteries, lumbar
               arteries, and hypogastric arteries . These territories can communicate through the aforementioned massive
               collateral network in the occasion of segmental artery occlusion.

               OF AORTIC SURGERY
               In the past, interruption of the artery of Adamkiewicz was considered the primary cause of SCI after aortic
               surgery. This theory has become less popular with the emergence of the collateral network concept. Other
               causes implicated in the multifactorial genesis of SCI have been extensively analyzed in literature [Table 2].
               Regardless of the type of aortic repair performed, the collateral network initiates the compensatory
               mechanisms after the interruption of the feeding arteries to the spinal cord occurs, so the collateral supply
               can adapt to the loss of feeding segmental vessels. When this mechanism is insufficient, SCI can occur.

               As for the clinical presentation, SCI symptoms can range from mild muscle weakness to paraplegia . The
               symptoms may develop immediately as observed by Spanos et al. or in a delayed fashion as reported by
               Alizadegan et al. and components of the autonomic nervous system may become involved [6,41,42] .

               Subclavian artery patency relevance
               As previously mentioned, the subclavian arteries significantly contribute to spinal cord perfusion. In most
               cases, the vertebral arteries branch off the posterosuperior aspect of the first segment of the subclavian
               arteries, bilaterally , and therefore the subclavian artery patency is a crucial piece of information during the
               planning of the surgical treatment of TAA and TAAA. Moreover, in aortic aneurysms affecting zones 2 and
               3  of the aortic arch , the repair would compromise the origin of the left subclavian artery (LSA). The
               current medical literature is inconclusive concerning LSA revascularization prior to a TEVAR.
               Rehman et al., in a systematic review of the management of the LSA during TEVAR for the treatment of
               thoracic aortic dissections, described a relative reduction of 84% in the prevalence of SCI with statistical
               significance in patients that underwent TEVAR that did not cover the LSA compared to patients that had
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