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Page 8 of 16      Moreno-Martínez et al. Rare Dis Orphan Drugs J 2024;3:9

                Figure 2. Brain MR T2 Flair axial reconstruction in a 36-year-old man with Fabry Disease showed white matter hyperintensities located
                bilaterally in the (A) periventricular and (B) pontine regions; (C) SWI axial recconstruction identified punctate microbleeds (black
                arrows) in the right thalannus, right frontal and right occipital lobes; (D) Intracranial time of flight MR angiography sequence coronal
                reconstruction revealed the presence of mild elongation and tortuosity of the basilar artery. MR: Magnetic resonance; SWI:
                susceptibility weighted imaging.

               WMHs are not specific and may be misdiagnosed as multiple sclerosis (MS) or other demyelinating
               conditions . In a study comparing brain MRI from FD patients vs. matched patients with MS, WMHs
               involving the juxtacortical and infratentorial regions as well as the corpus callosum were more frequently
               observed in MS patients . Moreover, the history of multiorgan involvement, the absence of oligoclonal
               bands in the cerebrospinal fluid, the relative sparing of corpus callosum, and the lack of spinal cord lesions
               are useful in differentiating FD from MS [89,90] .

               Perivascular spaces
               MRI-visible perivascular spaces (PVS) seem to be a promising marker of small vessel disease associated with
               possible impaired interstitial fluid drainage in FD. In a study including 33 patients with FD (median age: 44
               years; 44.1% male) and 20 healthy controls (median age: 33.5 years; 50% male), FD was associated with more
               severe basal ganglia PVS and a higher total PVS score. Impaired interstitial fluid drainage might be a newly
               recognized mechanism of white matter injury in FD .
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