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Topic: Advancements in Diagnosis and Treatment of Fabry Disease 1.0

                                               Prof. Guillem Pintos-Morell obtained MD and PhD (Paediatrics)
                                               degrees, at Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and University
                                               Hospital Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona. Fellowships in Paediatric
                                               Nephrology (INSERM-Paris, France) and Pediatric Genetics and
                                               Metabolism at UCSD, San Diego, USA. Ex-President of the Spanish
                                               Association of Inborn Errors  of Metabolism (AECOM, 1999-2005).
                                               Clinical Director of Rare Diseases at University Hospital Vall d’Hebron
                                               and UAB professor of Paediatrics until Sept 2020. Senior consultant of
                                               Rare Diseases and Hereditary Metabolic Disorders at Vall d’Hebron
                                               Barcelona Campus (European Reference Network - MetabERN) and
                                               CIBBIM-Nanomedicine (Smart4Fabry) (Vall d’Hebron Research
           Prof. Guillem Pintos-Morell         Institute - VHIR). Retired from  Institut Català de la Salut (ICS) in
                                               September 2020. Main scientific and research interests are Lysosomal
                                               Storage Disorders (LSDs), Urea Cycle, and Amino Acid and Organic
                                               Acid Disorders, including liver transplantation in hereditary metabolic
                                               diseases. Member of AECOM, SSIEM, ICORD (International
                                               Conference on Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs) and member of the
                                               Scientific Committee of IRDiRC (International Rare Disease Research
                                               Consortium). Research collaboration from April to October 2021, with
                                               “Fundació per la Lluita contra la Sida” in a clinical trial of COVID-19

                                               Prof. Derralynn Hughes is Clinical  Director of Research and
                                               Innovation at the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, Professor
                                               of Experimental Haematology at the University College London, UK
                                               and Clinical Director of the NCL cancer Alliance. She is also chair
                                               of the European Working Group on Gaucher Disease. She has clinical
                                               responsibilities  in  the  area  of  Haematology  and  Lysosomal  Storage
                                               Disorders and is chair of the anaemia clinical practice group. She directs
                                               the  research  programme  in  the  LSD  unit  research  laboratory  where
                                               interests include understanding the pathophysiology of phenotypic
                                               heterogeneity in Fabry Disease and bone related pathology in Gaucher
                                               disease and malignancy. Prof Hughes is Principal Investigator of a
             Prof. Derralynn Hughes            number of clinical trials examining the efficacy of Enzyme, Chaperone
                                               and gene therapies and other new agents in the treatment of Gaucher,
                                               Fabry, Pompe and MPS disorders. A particular interest relates to the
                                               clinical and biological  effects of bone  disease  and malignancy in
                                               Gaucher disease. She is an author of over 150 papers in the area of
                                               macrophage biology and lysosomal Storage Disorders.
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