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Figure 6. Kaplan-Meier curves with log-rank test showing (A) time to first cardiovascular event and (B) time to first renal event for
prompt versus delayed agalsidase-alfa initiation cohorts, based on time elapsed from symptom onset (analysis A). From Hughes et al.
(2021) [156] with permission.
doses of ERT in younger patients [142,143] , older patients starting ERT late, with eGFR < 60 mL/min/1.73 m
and proteinuria > 0.5 g/day, often progress to ESRD despite receiving either ERT dose, due to pre-existing
extensive glomerulosclerosis.
A renal biopsy study in children on ERT indicates that a higher cumulative dose gives better clearance of
Gb3 from various kidney cells including podocytes and reduces urine ACR more than a lower cumulative
dose . There was no difference in eGFR between the two versions of ERT. ERT dose is thus suggested to
be more important in younger male patients with classical disease. While girls were included in this study,
their risk of ending up on dialysis is far lower than boys; it remains uncertain when to start treatment in
young heterozygotes.
The higher dose of ERT is known for its greater efficacy in reducing plasma lyso-Gb3 levels compared to a
lower dose. Given the mounting evidence that baseline plasma lyso-Gb3 level predicts the risk of future
Fabry complications [68,120] , this is an argument for using a higher dose of ERT. However, more studies are
required to understand the relationship between plasma lyso-Gb3 and patient outcomes. Specifically, it is
crucial to investigate whether lowering the plasma lyso-Gb3 through treatment directly mitigates the risk of
organ dysfunction.
Plasma lyso-Gb3
While plasma Gb3 does not reflect Fabry disease activity , plasma lyso-Gb3 is considered more indicative,
despite somewhat conflicting data. In the cross-sectional data analysis by Talbot et al. (2017) , patients
with higher plasma lyso-Gb3 levels were more prone to clinical events. Several patients experiencing acute
end-organ events did not show increases in lyso-Gb3 levels over the 18-month observation period. No
specific “cutoff” level of lyso-Gb3 was determined to be predictive of organ damage.
In a retrospective study of 293 Fabry patients, neither the plasma lyso-Gb3 level at baseline or during
treatment, the absolute decrease in lyso-Gb3, nor the relative decrease in lyso-Gb3 predicted the risk of
events in Fabry patients .
In an analysis of 97 treatment-naïve and ERT-experienced patients with migalastat-amenable GLA variants
from prior studies, no significant correlations were identified between changes in plasma lyso-Gb3 and
changes in LVM index, eGFR, or pain . Furthermore, neither baseline plasma lyso-Gb3 levels nor the rate
of change in lyso-Gb3 levels during treatment predicted Fabry-associated clinical event occurrences.