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Page 6 of 10             Tãtaru et al. Rare Dis Orphan Drugs J 2024;3:19

               Patient organizations consulted the learnings and facts presented by the International Society for Neonatal
               Screening (ISNS), and in 2020, a low level of interest was noted for screening via biological analyses.
               Consequently, the Alliance has tried to address this issue by organizing an online webinar to get technical
               answers from the genetic testing manufacturers and, at the same time, to clarify the effectiveness and the
               risks of false negatives and false positives, and to remove any ambiguity about the eugenic nature of this
               type of testing .
               Screening findings
               NBS is a fundamental public health service that identifies a potential risk for developing a rare or very rare
               disease. Within the framework of SMA, as each country produces or tries to produce its own genetic
               analyses, it becomes almost impossible to have a harmonized analysis across European countries. The
               number of cases remains insufficient to support a comparative analysis, as the studies developed in different
               countries often have conflicting results and are based on scattered data. The Rare Barometer developed by
               EURORDIS‐Rare Diseases Europe, under the collaborative Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI 2 JU)
               Screen4Care, is an open survey available in 23 languages, which can be accessed by anyone in the world
               suffering from a rare disease, carriers, or family members of patients. This survey systematically collects the
               patients’ opinions on transversal topics, aiming to translate them into key facts and figures that can be
               shared with a wider public, including policy and decision makers, thereby ensuring direct patient
               involvement in exemplifying the topics that matter most to them .

               The Rare 2030 Survey, initiated by EURORDIS-Rare Diseases Europe to explore the future of rare disease
               policy and conducted through the Rare Barometer program, received 3,998 responses from all over the
               world, and highlighted the growing interest among patient organizations to be directly involved in the
               research process. The report underlines that only 18% of the responders (representing patients living with a
               rare disease) had been previously involved in the development of treatments and therapies, and one of the
               reasons causing this is the lack of public/private funding for small populations. Two hundred fifty-two
               patient representatives expressed their willingness to contribute directly throughout the research process,
               including helping researchers recruit participants for the clinical trials, reviewing research proposals to
               ensure an alignment with patients’ needs, actively participating as partners or co-investigators, contributing
               to raising funds, and actively disseminating information about the project research and its results, all of
               which would bring clear benefits including for SMA patients and their families. Being actively involved in
               the research process as an equal partner or co-investigator would ensure better dissemination of the
               available resources, knowledge sharing, and cross-border alignment in multidisciplinary care for SMA
               patients .

               Strategies for disease prevention, detection, and treatment represent one of the priorities of the
               International Consortium on Newborn Sequencing (ICoNS), a global alliance network founded in 2022 by
               leaders from eight sequencing projects (BabySeq, Genomics England, GUARDIAN Study, BeginNGS, Early
               Check, Screen4Care, ScreenPlus, and BabyBeyond) that tries through its annual conferences to represent
               the vision of various international stakeholders on the implementation of NBS as a public health
               measure . The Alliance brought to attention that a robust application of the NBS programs can be
               achieved only through a common understanding and coordination among the parties involved. This can be
               sustained through the development of an effective infrastructure adapted to the population’s necessities and
               harmonized with the industry precompetitive challenges. An ICoNS working group has been tasked with
               creating a functional mechanism for ensuring documentation consistency, alignment of terminology and
               metrics, with the final objective of consolidating data results and facilitating the data sharing in the
               consortium [30,31] .
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