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Page 4 of 12                                         Chen et al. Plast Aesthet Res 2020;7:49  I

               Table 2. Different clinical strategies for cartilage defect treatment
                Treatment     [21]                     [22]                        [23]            [24]
                strategies  MF          AMIC        OAT      composites scaffold   ACI         MACI
                Procedures  Using a small   After   Taking   Placing the    Cartilage tissue is   Cartilage tissue is
                         bone pick to   microfracture,   cylindrical   composite scaffolds  taken from a non-  taken from a non-
                         punch into the   the defect site   cartilage   into the interface   weight bearing area  weight bearing area for
                         subchondral   is covered with   plugs from a   between cartilage   for cell culture.   cell culture. When cell
                         bone causing   matrix    donor site and   and bone for   When cell number  number is sufficient,
                         microfractures           inserting them  osteochondral defect  is sufficient, the   the chondrocytes are
                                                  into matching   site repair  chondrocytes are   seeded onto a scaffold
                                                  holes                     applied on the   for damaged area repair
                                                                            damaged area
                Functions  Tissue repair  Tissue repair  Tissue repair  Tissue repair  Tissue repair  Tissue repair
                Cell     No          No           No         No             Yes           Yes
                Matrix   Without     With         Without    With           Without       With
                Matrix   -           Chondro-     -          PLGA/bioactive   -           Chondro-Gide ®[84] ,
                examples             Gide ®[79] , BST-       glass [81] , cartilage       CaReS ®[85] , Hyalograft
                                     CarGel ®[80]            fragments combined           C ®[86] , BioSeed-C ®[87] ,
                                                             with PLGA/beta-              recycled cartilage
                                                             TCP composite [82] ,         auto/allo implantation
                                                             porous PLGA/nano-            (ClinicalTrials.
                                                             hydroxyapatite hybrid        gov Identifier:
                                                             scaffolds [83]               NCT03672825)
               MF: micro-fracture; AMIC: matrix augmented micro fracture; OAT: osteochondral transplantation; ACI: autologous chondrocyte
               implantation; MACI: matrix-induced autologous chondrocyte implantation; PLGA: polylactide-co-glycolide; TCP: tricalcium phosphate

               criteria established by International Society for Cellular Therapy including (1) being plastic-adherent
               in culture conditions; (2) expressing cluster of differentiation 105 (CD105), CD73, and CD90, lacking
               expression of CD45, CD34, CD14 or CD11b, CD79 or CD19, and human leukocyte antigen-DR isotype
               (HLA-DR) surface molecules; and (3) possessing tri-lineage differentiation into osteoblasts, adipocytes and
               chondroblasts . Much of the recent literature has focused on BMSCs for chondrogenesis . However, the
               clinical use of BMSCs has encountered challenges such as donor site morbidity, pain and low cell number
               upon harvest . One issue is that only 0.001%-0.01% of the cells in bone marrow aspirate concentrate
               consist of BMSCs . Thus, the ADSCs has become an attractive alternative source of MSCs because of its
               relatively easy accessibility and abundance during harvest .
               ADSCs can be isolated from the upper arm, medial thigh, buttocks, trochanteric, superficial deep
               abdominal depots, and even the infrapatellar fat pad (IPFP) within the knee joint. There are about 2 to
               6 million cells in the stromal vascular fraction (SVF) which can be obtained in 1 mL lipoaspirate . The
               number of ADSCs in 1 g of ADSCs may range from 5000 to 200,000 [32-34] . In other words, if we isolated 100 g
               of ADSCs from patient, there would be 0.5 to 20 million ADSCs which can be extracted from the ADSCs.
               ADSCs have been reported to differentiate into adipocytes, osteoblasts , chondrocytes , and endothelial
               cells  in view of their mesodermal origin. In addition, they have been described to have the ability
               to differentiate into ectodermal, and endodermal origin cells, such as vascular smooth muscle cells ,
               keratinocytes , hepatocytes, beta islet cells , neuron-like cells  and glial lineages . Both ADSCs and
               BMSCs exhibit a fibroblast-like morphology [35,43] , expressing CD29, CD44, CD73, CD90, CD105 while
               being absent for CD14, CD31, CD34, CD45, CD106 and HLA-DR and c-kit expression [35,36,43] . When
               comparing the cell differentiation ability between ADSCs and BMSCs in vitro, ADSCs demonstrated more
               prominent adipogenic differentiation ability, while BMSCs possessed stronger osteogeneic differentiation
               ability compared to ADSCs [35,44] . Xu et al.  used bisulfite PCR analysis to examine the DNA methylation
               status of Runx2, PPARγ, and Sox9 from ADSCs and BMSCs. They described that the CpG sites of PPARγ
               promoter in BMSCs and the CpG sites of Runx2 promoter in ADSCs were hypermethylated. Nevertheless,
               the methylation status of Sox9 promoter in BMSCs was only slightly lower than that in ADSCs.
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