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Page 20 of 25 Lemperle Plast Aesthet Res 2020;7:40 I
Figure 26. Common incisions for hip surgery run vertically. A more oblique incision parallel to the fibers of the gluteus maximus muscle
will result in less conspicuous scars (A and B), (reproduced from Michael Kang, MD, New York, NY)
Figure 27. Common vertical scar after knee surgery. The wide opening to the joint after a horizontal incision prevents this conspicuous
vertical scar. A vertical cut in the hollow of the knee joint (for the removal of a Baker cyst) should be obsolete since all folds run
horizontally (A and B) (Figure 27A is reproduced with permission from Lemperle et al. )
Since striae do not develop on the feet, “main folding lines” become easily visible during movement of
the foot. After bending the foot, the skin can be incised in a horizontal [Figure 28A and B] or oblique
direction . Both wound edges can then be undermined, bluntly preserving larger nerves and vessels. To