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Al Onazi et al. Plast Aesthet Res 2020;7:23 I Page 7 of 14
Table 2. Reported compression garment data
Garment use
Garment adherence 7 days/week 28 (58%)
Days per week 6 days/week 7 (15%)
4-5 days/week 6 (13%)
1-3 days/week 4 (8%)
0 days/week 3 (6%)
Garment adherence 4 h or fewer 7 (15%)
Hours per day 5-8 h 9 (19%)
9-12 h 15 (31%)
≥ 12 h 17 (35%)
Garment adherence ≥ 12 h 15 (31%)
7 days/week
Compression sleeve interfere with daily routine Yes 14 (29%)
No 34 (71%)
Wear the sleeve for house work/activities/exercise Yes 42 (88%)
No 6 (12%)
Garment knowledge
Topics discussed with therapist The compression garment types 41 (85%)
The compression level or degree 37 (77%)
Number of hours per day to wear the garment 40 (83%)
No discussion 3 (6%)
Compression sleeve helps to manage lymphedema Yes 43 (90%)
No 5 (10%)
*Understand the reason for wearing the compression sleeve VAS (0-100) 88% (16)
every day, % (SD)
*Have a good knowledge about the compression sleeve VAS (0-100) 86% (15)
benefits, % (SD)
Have personal benefits from wearing the garment Yes 43 (90%)
No 5 (10.4%)
Confident in putting on the compression sleeve properly Yes 47 (97.9%)
No 1 (2.1%)
*Visual analog scale (VAS): 0: not at all; 100: very much. SD: standard deviation
Table 3. Reported social and environmental factors
Social and environmental factors
The weather affects the compression sleeve adherence Yes 23 (47.9%)
No 25 (52.1%)
Wear it less during the following seasons Spring 4 (8.3%)
Summer 21 (43.8%)
Fall 1 (2.1%)
Winter 1 (2.1%)
Wear it the same throughout the year 26 (54.2%)
Wear the sleeve at home Yes 39 (81.3%)
No 9 (18.8%)
Wear the sleeve in public Yes 42 (87.5%)
No 6 (12.5%)
Hide the sleeve in public Yes 13 (27.1%)
No 35 (72.9%)
Not wearing the sleeve during some social settings Yes 24 (50.0%)
No 24 (50.0%)
Have supportive family and friends on wearing Yes 47 (97.9%)
compression sleeve No 1 (2.1%)
*Have issues putting the garment on, % (SD) VAS (0-100) 16% (24)
*Need help with sleeve donning, % (SD) VAS (0-100) 16% (28)
*Visual analog scale (VAS): 0: not at all, 100: very much . SD: standard deviation