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Aggarwal et al. Plast Aesthet Res 2018;5:47  I                                        Page 5 of 7

                                          Figure 4. Graft on 1st dressing on day 5 (Patient S. No. 1)

               Figure 5. Autologous platelet rich plasma being injected into the residual raw area on day 5 following debridement of dead graft (Patient S. No. 1)

               Skin grafts survival occurs via serum imbibition, direct vessel to vessel re-anastomosis (inosculation),
               and neovascularization. Neovascularization is defined by ingrowth of new vessels from the recipient site
               into the graft.

               APRP as contains a high concentration of alpha granules, is an easy and a very cost-effective approach
               to obtaining high concentrations of these growth factors. These alpha granules of platelets are known
               to contain growth factors such as PDGF, vascular endothelial growth factor, TGF, EGF, which promote
               angiogenesis, cell proliferation, maturation, and matrix formation as described above .

               The application of APRP results in prompt tissue regeneration and a reduced risk of infection, pain, and loss
               of blood. El-Sharkawy et al.  in their study have suggested that platelet rich plasma also suppresses cytokine
               release, thus limiting inflammation, and promoting tissue regeneration. Pallua et al.  have reported
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