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Gupta et al. Plast Aesthet Res 2018;5:46  I                                              Page 5 of 6

                  Figure 6. Burn wounds of the patient during treatment course; poly vinyl chloride tracheostomy tube is replaced with metallic tube

                                       Figure 7. Small remaining wounds; tracheostomy tube is removed

               Cervical splinting in neck burn patients with tracheostomy is necessary but difficult. The innovative
               modification of hard cervical collar proposed in our case report can be a solution to overcome this difficulty.

               Authors’ contributions
               Concept and design: Gupta S, Chittoria RK
               Data acquisition and analysis, manuscript preparation: Gupta S, Aggarwal A

               Critical revision and finalizing of the manuscript: Chittoria RK, Subbarao E, Reddy KS, ChavanV, Aggarwal

               A,Reddy CL
               Availability of data and materials
               The data were strictly obtained from medical records according to the privacy policy and ethics code of our

               Financial support and sponsorship
               Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research.

               Conflicts of interest
               All authors declared that there are no conflicts of interest.
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