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Howarth et al.                                                                                                                                  Post-mastectomy reconstruction with larger breast implants

           Table 1: FDA-approved breast implants (January 1, 2016)
            Breast implants                                                  Volume range (mL)
              Ideal Implant Saline-Filled Breast Implant (Ideal Implant Inc.)     210-755
              Allergan Medical RTV Saline-Filled Breast Implant (Allergan, Inc.)  120-800
              Mentor and Spectrum (Mentor Worldwide)                              125-700
            Silicone Gel-filled
              Allergan Natrelle (Allergan, Inc.)                                  80-800
              Allergan Natrelle 410 (Allergan, Inc.)                              140-740
              Mentor MemoryGel (Mentor Worldwide)                                 100-800
              Mentor MemoryShape (Mentor Worldwide)                               120-775
              Sientra (Silimed Indústria de Implantes Ltda)                       80-700
           FDA: US Food and Drug Administration. Data from FDA. Silicone gel-filled breast implants [Internet]. 20 Sep 2013 [cited 24 Mar 2016].
           Available from:
              900                                             was entered in the data twice, with unique data for
              800                                             each breast). Patients who underwent any form of
              700                                             autologous tissue reconstruction or had saline implants
                                                              were excluded.
             Implant size (mL)  500                           RESULTS
              200                                             Weights were available for 627 mastectomy specimens
                                                              for patients who underwent mastectomy and implant-
              100                                             based reconstruction during the 5-year period. The
                0                                             mean gross mastectomy specimen weight was 501.2 g
                 0                500             1000            1500            2000
                                             Breast volune (g)  (range 51 to 2177 g). The mean implant size used in
                                                              the reconstructions was 533.9 mL. The mean patient
           Figure 1: Relationship of breast volume to implant size, with curve
           of best fit showing a high positive correlation between native breast   body mass index (BMI) was 26.9 (range 16.6 to 52).
           volume and the implant size used for reconstruction  Of the total specimens, 92 (14.7%) weighed more
                                                              than 800 g (mean 1140 g and range 803 to 2177 g)
           reconstruction with a silicone gel-filled implant.  and these patients had a mean BMI of 34.0 (21.3
                                                              to 52). Forty-five (48.9%) of the patients with these
           METHODS                                            larger specimens selected 800 mL implants for their
                                                              reconstructions. From our total patient population,
                                                              80 patients (12.7%) chose 800 mL implants for their
           This retrospective study was conducted at 2 tertiary   reconstructions. The mean specimen weight for this
           care centers after institutional review board approval at   group was 933 g (252 to 2177 g) and the mean BMI
           both locations. We reviewed electronic health records   was 34.6 (20.3 to 49.5). The Figure 1 shows the trend
           of patients who underwent mastectomy followed by   for native breast mass (as a proxy for volume) vs.
           reconstruction with silicone-gel breast implants during   reconstruction implant size.
           a 5-year period from January 2009 to December
           2014. All patients included in the study underwent
           mastectomy either for a diagnosis of breast cancer   DISCUSSION
           or a desire for prophylactic mastectomy. All patients
           had reconstruction with breast implants either at   Patients’ desires ultimately determine the goal of post-
           the time of mastectomy or by tissue expansion and   mastectomy breast reconstruction. Not all patients with
           subsequent implant reconstruction. Each patient had   large native breasts (mastectomy specimens > 800 g)
           only one implant per reconstructed breast, no implant   selected 800 mL implants for their reconstruction.
           stacking was utilized. We collected data regarding   Alternatively, some women with smaller breasts
           mastectomy specimen weights and final implant      (mastectomy specimens < 800 g) chose to increase
           volumes used in the breast reconstructions. The    the size of their breasts at the time of implant-based
           patients’ native breast volume was extrapolated from   reconstruction by selecting 800 mL implants. Thus, at
           the recorded mastectomy specimen mass. Each breast   the time of breast reconstruction, some patients with
           was considered separately (a patient with a bilateral   large breasts wanted to have smaller reconstructed
           mastectomy and bilateral implant reconstruction    breasts, some with smaller breasts wanted larger
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