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the  process of autoinflation is  multifactorial, it  has an   responses etc. [19]  These latter factors need to be investigated
         inflammatory response resulting in sterile creamy pus like   further using microbiological assessment  of the serum
         substance collection. Broken down PAAG products creates   present in the intracapsular fluid along with the chemical
         an osmotic gradient resulting in shift of body fluids into the   analysis of blood and intracapsular fluid samples.
         injected PAAG resulting in autoinflation of the breast. [16]
                                                             Malignant  effusion  of  the  intracapsular  space  secondary
         Intracapsular or periprosthetic fluid collection    to ALCL is the least common but most alarming cause of
         presenting as autoinflation of the breast           autoinflation of the breast. ALCL is a rare type of non-
         Intracapsular  or periprosthetic fluid collection  can be   Hodgkin lymphoma, which is distinctly different from
         seen following augmentation  mammoplasty, revision   the primary breast lymphoma of breast. Primary breast
         mammoplasty or breast reconstructive surgery using breast   lymphomas  are  overwhelmingly  of B-cell as opposed  to
         implants. The presence of fluid has been reported in 15%   T-cell phenotype that is associated with breast implants. [21]
         of the revision surgeries and the amount of fluid collected   The incidence of primary breast lymphoma is less than 1%
         ranged from  0.2 mL  to 20 mL.  The fluid can be  thick,   of all breast neoplasm as compared to an estimated 3 in 100
         mucinous,  blood stained  or serous. [3,4]  It  is  not surprising   million women per year of ALCL reported. Implant related
         that collection of fluid in intracapsular  space  leading to   ALCL is reported in 34 cases out of estimated 5 to 10 million
         autoinflation of the breast is the most common cause of the   women with breast implants. These haemopoitic tumours
         late autoinflation. Collection of thick mucinous creamy fluid,   of T-cell origin is extremely rare and the common factor
         resembling like pus but with out positive bacterial culture,   appears to be the texturing of the implants suggesting a site
         is uncommon and is possibly due to a chemical reaction in   and material specific chronic inflammatory cause. Other
         response to the leaked silicone. [11-13]  This type of collection   possible  causes  are  genetic  predisposition  and  Biofilm
         is  reported following PIP  silicone  and hydrogel  implant   organism that may play a contributory role. The condition
         ruptures [11-13]  and PAAG injections. [15,16]   The cause is  the   is not related to the implant fill material. [22]  Considering the
         direct contact of the material with the body either through   extreme rarity of ALCL, it is likely that most physicians will
         a rupture or following implantation or injection of PAAG.  never see a single case of ALCL in their career. [2]

         Autoinflation of breast due to haematoma            Following is the recommendations and algorithm as a
         or blood stained fluid                              useful guide to manage late autoinflation of the breast from
         This is not the most common form of intracapsular  fluid   Bengtson et al. [23]  Step 1: conservative treatment. Infection
         collection presenting as autoinflation of the breast. This type   should be ruled out and antibiotics given when in doubt.
         of collection is seen following the separation of the adhered   Aspiration of fluid for culture and cytology when possible;
         capsule from the textured surface of the implant following   Step 2: imaging ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging
         a physical force or trauma. These late blood stained fluid   (MRI). Ultrasound may also assist ultrasound-guided aspiration
         or haematomas are especially reported following the use   of fluid for culture and cytology; third step: if palpable or
         of polyurethane  coated implants,  where  disappearance   MRI evidence of a mass present or in case of refractory or
         of polyurethane  coating  results  in  inflammation  and the   recurrent seroma, surgical exploration is recommended. The
         implant starts behaving  like a textured implant with a   procedure includes complete capsulectomy with or without
         highly vascular internal lining of capsule rubbing against the   implant replacement.
         textured surface of the implant. [17]
                                                             In the author’s practice, the incidence of late seroma was
         Autoinflation of breast due to late seromas         noted in 0.05% which is much lower when compared to
         The  collection  of  serum  in  intracapsular space following   0.88% and 1.68% incidence reported in other series. [17,19]  In
         breast  implant surgery is  the  most  common form of   the current series all three patients who presented with late
         autoinflation. The causes can be mechanical, inflammatory,   seromas were treated conservatively using antibiotics and
         traumatic,  hormonal and most  importantly  malignant   compression bandages. All responded to the treatment and
         (ALCL). Textured implants are more commonly involved and   there was no recurrence of autoinflation. One of the patient
         the possible mechanism  is the separation of the capsule   developed capsular contracture on the side of autoinflation
         from the textured surface of the implant. The shearing of   due to late seroma.
         the textured surface of the implant on the raw internal
         vascular surface of the capsular lining starts an inflammatory   In conclusion, implant working group recommendations are
         process resulting in exudation of the fluid that may lead to   available and should be used a guideline for the treatment
         autoinflation of breast. [17,18]                    of late autoinflation of the breast. Late autoinflation of
                                                             the  breast on its  own is  uncommon and can be  treated
         Micro-movements  between  the  micro-textured or smooth   conservatively in the first instance.
         implants and capsule can result in synovial metaplasia
         of the capsular internal lining. The metaplastic lining   Financial support and sponsorship
         continuously rubbing against the implant surface can trigger   Nil.
         the process. [19,20]  Other less well defined possibilities are the
         presence of subclinical infection, biofilms, any generalised   Conflicts of interest
         condition leading to low immune  response, allergic   There are no conflicts of interest.
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