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Topic: EuRePS Meeting 2015: best five papers

            Closed rhinoplasty: effects and changes

            on voice - a preliminary report

            Giuseppe Guarro, Romano Maffia, Barbara Rasile, Carmine Alfano

            Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, University of Perugia, 06156 Perugia, Italy.
            Address for correspondence: Dr. Giuseppe Guarro, Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, University of Perugia, S. Andrea
            delle Fratte, 06156 Perugia, Italy. E-mail:

                  Aim: Effects of rhinoplasty were already studied from many points of view: otherwise poor is
                  scientific production focused on changes of voice after rhinoplasty. This preliminary study analyzed
                  objectively and subjectively these potential effects on 19 patients who underwent exclusively
                  closed rhinoplasty. Methods: This preliminary evaluation was conducted from September 2012 to
                  May 2013 and 19 patients have undergone primary rhinoplasty with exclusively closed approach
                  (7 males, 12 females). All patients were evaluated before and 6 months after surgery. Each of
                  them answered to a questionnaire (Voice Handicap Index Score) and the voice was recorded for
                  spectrographic analysis: this system allowed to perform the measurement of the intensity and
                  frequency of vowels (“A” and “E”) and nasal consonants (“N” and “M”) before and after surgery.
                  Data were analysed with the Mann-Whitney test. Results: Sixteen patients showed statistically
                  significant differences after surgery. It was detected in 69% of cases an increased frequency of
                  emission of the consonant sounds (P = 0.046), while in 74% of cases the same phenomenon was
                  noticed for vowel sounds (P = 0.048). Conclusion: Many patients who undergo rhinoplasty think
                  that the intervention only leads to anatomical changes and improvement of respiratory function.
                  The surgeon should instead accurately inform patients about the potential effects on the voice.
                  This preliminary study reveals the significant effects of closed rhinoplasty on the human voice.

                  Key words:
                  Rhinoplasty; voice; handicap; score; spectrogram

            INTRODUCTION                                      voices can feel the relevance of these consequences.
                                                              We  conducted a preliminary  evaluation to study these
            Closed rhinoplasty is nowadays one of the most requested   potential effects, considering that changes on the size of
            aesthetic surgeries in occident. Many effects of this kind   nasal cavity may let airflow resistance grow.  We decided
            of procedure  have  already  been  studied  from  several   to study patients who underwent a surgical procedure
            points of view, otherwise in literature we found few   like closed rhinoplasty, because it allows to solve many
            works about the impact of exclusively closed rhinoplasty   respiratory disfunctions, but it is also a widely requested
            on individual and technical features of voice. [1-3]  The   aesthetic procedure. A preliminary evaluation, conducted
            impact of surgery on the anatomy of the nasal cavity, the
            true  resonance box  of the  phonatory  system,  was  not
            deeply studied.  Patients who use professionally their   This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
                                                              Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License, which allows
                                                              others to remix, tweak and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as the
                           Access this article online         author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
                 Quick Response Code:
                                    Website:                  For reprints contact:
                                                               How  to  cite  this  article:  Guarro  G,  Maffia  R,  Rasile  B,  Alfano
                                                               C. Closed rhinoplasty: effects and changes on voice - a preliminary
                                    DOI:                       report. Plast Aesthet Res 2016;3:231-4.
                                                               Received: 28-07-2015; Accepted: 08-12-2015
            © 2016 Plastic and Aesthetic Research | Published by OAE Publishing Inc.                      231
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