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dystrophy, myositis,  etc.), a myelin‑related acquired or   Many other spontaneous potential can be recorded from
          congenital disorders (chronic  inflammatory demyelinating   muscles, but their discussion is beyond the intent of this
          polyneuropathy, Charcot‑Marie‑tooth disease)  or presynaptic   review.
          neuromuscular junction disorders (Eaton‑Lambert syndrome,   The following step in the neurophysiological examination
                                                              is  the analysis of MUAP and their  activation and
          In  neurapraxia, nerve  conduction is  either  slowed or   recruitment patterns during voluntary contraction.
          blocked secondary  to demyelination.  With  stimulation
          proximal to the lesion, the conduction  velocity will be   In acute axonal loss and pure demyelinating  nerve
          reduced  (conduction slowing), or the evoked potential   injuries with conduction block, not all motor units can be
          amplitude will drop with respect to the normal potential   recruited; the remaining MUAPs have normal morphology
          obtained  by  distal stimulation  (conduction block). When   but fire with high frequency in order to obtain sufficient
          nerve remyelination completes,  these  abnormalities   contraction, and the  recruitment  pattern  results  in
          progressively disappear, with eventual complete recovery.  incomplete interference. Note that denervation potentials
                                                              will appear only in case of axonal damage.
          In the case of axonotmesis and neurotmesis,  after distal
          axonal degeneration  (which completes in 3‑5  days for   In  chronic  axonal loss and denervation,  early  collateral
          motor fibers and in 6‑10  days for sensory fibers), CMAP   sprouting from re‑innervation of orphan  muscle fibers
          and SNAP are reduced in  amplitude when stimulating   by surviving axons is recorded on EMG as small satellite
          distally to the  injury; the  ratio  between  CMAP/SNAP   potentials of the MUAP’s. Later, as the number of muscle
          amplitudes on the injured side to the CMAP/SNAP of the   fibers per motor unit increases with re‑innervation,
          normal side is a good  estimate of the degree of axonal   MUAP’s  become  higher  in  amplitude,  prolonged in
          loss. The higher the axonal loss, the lower the odds  of   duration, and polyphasic; these are the typical neurogenic
          recovery.                                           MUAP’s representing  the pattern of denervation and
          For technical reasons, exploration of the proximal
          peripheral nervous system is more complex; late responses   Incomplete nerve transection and in late stages of partial
          such  as  F  waves  and the  H  reflex  can be  obtained  for   axonal loss, if regrowing axons from the site of injury
          further information and somatosensory or motor evoked   eventually reach the target, very small low‑voltage nascent
          potentials can be explored. [23,24]                 MUAP potentials will be recorded. As reinnervation occurs,
                                                              denervation potentials will gradually disappear.
          This examination requires the active participation of the   NERVE IMAGING TECHNIQUES
          patient. Needle EMG provides information on the function
          of the muscles function and their  minimal  functional   Neurophysiological investigation offers information on the
          units.  It  explores  both  the  quantity  and quality  of  motor   pathophysiology of the nerve deficit, the grade of severity,
          unit  action potentials  (MUAP), their  spatial‑temporal   and prognosis. Although it is a fundamental tool in clinical
          recruitment  in order to generate adequate movements,   evaluation, it does not provide precise information on the
          the presence of denervation, and the onset of       morphology, etiology  or the  extent  of focal peripheral
          re‑innervation.  In partial or gradual  denervation,   nerve  injuries  versus  the  focal involvement  of only  few
          reinnervation occurs early through collateral sprouting by   fascicles.
          adjacent surviving  axons.  In  nerve  transection,  the  only
          mechanism available for re‑innervation is axonal regrowth   In  severe  cases  with  unexcitable  nerves  and in
          from the proximal stump of the injury site. This regrowth   postoperative patients who do not shows signs  of
          is slow (1 mm/day) and may take months to years to   improvement, EMG and conduction  velocities cannot
          reach the target muscles, depends on the distance to be   provide  conclusive  information  on  the  presence  of
          covered.                                            neurotmesis,  nerve transection, the distance between
                                                              nerve stumps,  and the presence of multiple sites  of
          The first step in EMG of nerve injuries is the evaluation of   injury.  Imaging assessment, in particular high‑resolution
          pathological potentials at rest. Fibrillation potentials and   ultrasound (HRU) and magnetic resonance imaging  (MRI),
          positive sharp waves are the most common potentials and   may  overcome  these  problems  by  providing  information
          appear 10‑21  days after injury, while complex repetitive   on nerve morphology  and its surrounding tissues; these
          discharges indicate  chronic and  ongoing denervation.   are becoming popular  instruments for planning nerve
          Although all these potentials are a sign of muscle fiber   reconstruction and the surgical approach.
          denervation, they can also be found in myopathies and
          myositis, which also induce hyposthenia. Fasciculation   High‑resolution ultrasound
          potentials occur from the spontaneous activation of   Although MRI is still more commonly used, based on
          motor units (all muscle fibers innervated by one neuron),   our experience and on a review of the recent literature,
          which can be visualized directly as minor muscle    the authors believe that HRU currently represents the
          twitches. Cramps are a painful involuntary contraction of   most easily available and practical imaging technique for
          the muscle which tend to occur when a muscle is in the   investigation of peripheral nerve pathology [Figures 1 and 2].
          shortened position and contracting, and can be recorded   These machines are widely available and, when associated
          as a firing of motor unit potentials at high frequency.   with high frequency transducers (7‑18 MHz), reach up
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