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Topic: Aesthetic Surgery of the Breast

           Bi-plane breast augmentation: a case series

           supporting its use and benefits

           Matthew Stodell, Gordon McArthur, Mathew James

           Deapartment of Plastic, Hand and Reconstructive Surgery. St Thomas’ Hospital, Guys and St. Thomas’ NHS Trust, London, SE1 7EH, UK.
           Address for correspondence: Dr. Mathew James, St Thomas’ Hospital, Guys and St. Thomas’ NHS Trust, London, SE1 7EH, UK.

                 Aim: Breast augmentation has traditionally been performed in either the subglandular or submuscular
                 plane. Dual plane augmentation has been described before and captures the advantages of both of
                 these techniques but reduces the trade-offs. The biplane muscle splitting technique adopts the similar
                 advantages seen with the dual plane method without the need for extensive costal muscle fibre release
                 at the infra-mammary fold.  Methods: Thirty-five patients underwent bilateral breast augmentation
                 using the biplanar technique from November 2007 to December 2008. All operations were performed
                 by the senior author and followed up prospectively. Results: Follow up ranged from 9 months to 21
                 months. All of the patients achieved precise and reliable implant placement with no revisions or patient
                 dissatisfaction.  There  have  been  no  cases  of  implant  misplacement/migration;  synmastia,  dynamic
                 breast deformity, capsular contracture or infections. A single case of unilateral haematoma occurred early
                 in the series. Conclusion: Our operative cases and early follow-up supports the use of this novel biplanar
                 technique for breast augmentation. It optimizes the advantages of subglandular and submuscular breast
                 augmentation with simpler dissection and less complications than other submuscular techniques. It can
                 be used in a wide variety of breast types with predictable results.
                 Key words:
                 Biplane; dual-plane; breast augmentation; submuscular implants; muscle splitting augmentation

           INTRODUCTION                                        we present a case series of women who have all undergone
                                                               bilateral breast augmentation using the same technique that
           The use of a dual plane for breast augmentation is not a   Khan describes. This study supports and further reinforces
           new concept.  Its use in primary breast augmentation  is   the benefits and advantages of this novel technique.
           becoming  more popular  and can be performed through
           various different approaches.  Indeed it is becoming   METHODS
           a  recognised  method for the  correction  of established
           capsular contracture  in  secondary  breast  augmentation.    Thirty-five patients underwent bilateral breast augmentation
           The  concept of the  biplane muscle  splitting  technique   using  the  biplanar technique  from November  2007  to
           was only introduced by Khan  in 2007. It differs from the   December 2008. All operations were performed by the
           aforementioned dual plane technique as the implant is
           positioned both in front of and behind  pectoral is  major
           simultaneously without the need of muscle release. Here   This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
                                                               Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License, which allows others to remix,
                                                               tweak and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as the author is credited
                                                               and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
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                                                                How to cite this article: Stodell M, McArthur G, James M. Bi-plane
                                    DOI:                        breast augmentation: a case series supporting its use and benefits.
                                    10.20517/2347-9264.2015.51  Plast Aesthet Res 2016;3:17-20.
                                                                Received: 29-04-2015; Accepted: 26-10-2015
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