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Onishi et al. Plast Aesthet Res 2021;8:50  Page 5 of 9

               Table 1. Patient characteristics and demographics before and after propensity score matching
                                            Before propensity score matching  After propensity score matching
                                        With PORT  Control     P-value   With PORT   Control     P-value
                Patients, n             51         65                    41          41
                Age, years (range)      62.0 (32-83)  61.0 (26-86)  0.72  63.0 (32-83)  61.0 (30-86)  0.71
                BMI, kg/m (range)       21.9 (18.6-34.1)  23.3 (18.1-34.3)  0.58  22.0 (18.6-34.1)  22.5 (18.4-34.3)  0.99
                Sex, n (%)                                     0.24
                Female                  46 (90.2)  63 (96.9)             40 (97.6)   40 (97.6)   1.00
                Male                    5 (9.8)    2 (3.1)               1 (2.4)     1 (2.4)
                Etiology, n (%)                                1.00                              1.00
                Primary                 3 (5.9)    3 (4.6)               2 (4.9)     1 (2.4)
                Secondary               48 (94.1)  62 (95.4)             39 (95.1)   40 (97.6)
                Clinical stage, n (%)                          0.03 *                            1.00
                I                       0 (0.0)    6 (9.2)               0 (0.0)     0 (0.0)
                II                      51 (100.0)  58 (89.2)            41 (100.0)  40 (97.6)
                III                     0 (0.0)    1 (1.5)               0 (0.0)     1 (2.4)
                LEL index at the first visit, mean   279.5 (206.0-  267.0 (194.8-  0.12  277.7 (206.0-  259.9 (194.8-  0.29
                (range)                 489.1)     370.0)                375.0)      345.4)
                Previous radiotherapy, n (%)  14 (27.5)  18 (27.7)  1.00  10 (24.4)  12 (29.3)   0.80
                Previous LVA, n (%)     20 (39.2)  22 (33.8)   0.57      16 (39.0)   14 (34.1)   0.82
                Institute of treatment, n (%)                  0.58                              0.83
                SMC                     22 (43.1)  32 (49.2)             20 (48.8)   18 (43.9)
                TCC                     29 (56.9)  33 (50.8)             21 (51.2)   23 (56.1)
                Duration of preoperative CDT, month  19.0 (2-161)  18.0 (3-360)  0.88  14.0 (2-161)  18.0 (3-360)  0.77

               *Statistically significant. PORT: Perioperative reduction treatment; BMI: body mass index; LEL index: lower extremity lymphedema index; LVA:
               lymphaticovenular anastomosis; SMC: Saitama Medical Center; TCC: Tochigi Cancer Center; CDT: complex decongestive therapy.

               Table 2. Outcome comparison between two groups after propensity score matching
                                                         With PORT (n =  41)   Control (n =  41)  P -value
                LEL index at preoperative 1 month, mean (range)  287.4 (199.0-330.1)  261.5 (203.8-312.8)  0.048
                LEL index at postoperative 1 year, mean (range)  258.4 (194.2-333.3)  254.4 (181.9-333.9)  0.61
                Reduction in LEL index, mean (range)     14.7 (-31.2-70.4)     6.7 (-59.8-35.5)  0.03
               *Statistically significant. PORT: Perioperative reduction treatment; LEL index: lower extremity lymphedema index.

               According to Filippetti et al. , the benefits of CDT are generated by improving lymph drainage while
               preventing venous pressure from rising. Studies have shown that a good response to CDT is correlated with
               a higher remaining lymphatic function . Therefore, those findings suggest that the basic principle of CDT
               depends on the remaining lymphatic system. Given that the microsurgical treatment of lymphedema could
               play a role in improving the intrinsic deteriorated lymphatic function [7,18] , it could be hypothesized that
               CDT, especially reduction treatment, would be more effective, with improved remaining lymphatic function
               after LVA surgery.

               LVA is a microsurgical treatment that redirects excess lymph fluid from the interstitial space to the venous
               circulation through the bypasses. For better improvement with LVA, lymphatic pressure needs to be higher
               than venous pressure [10,12,19] . In an experimental study, Gloviczki et al.  reported that the main problems
               responsible for occlusion of LVAs were low lymphatic flow, low pressure gradient across the anastomosis,
               and venous reflux. They mentioned that lymph flow eventually diminished as the anastomosis gradually
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