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Page 6 of 10         Berberoglu et al. Plast Aesthet Res 2024;11:14

                Figure 3. The Composite Regenerative Peripheral Nerve Interface (C-RPNI). (A) Illustrative schematic of the C-RPNI. The peripheral
                nerve is secured between the top dermal graft and the bottom muscle graft; (B) C-RPNI in vivo immediately following fabrication in a
                rat. Muscle is marked by (M), dermis (D), and common peroneal nerve (N). (Svientek SR, Ursu DC, Cederna PS, Kemp SWP.
                Fabrication of the Composite Regenerative Peripheral Nerve Interface (C-RPNI) in the Adult Rat [30] .

               Approximately 130 million people in the United States are affected by musculoskeletal injuries [32,33] .
               Musculoskeletal injuries comprise diverse pathologies affecting nerves, neuromuscular junctions, or muscle
               itself. In contrast to individuals with amputations, these patients have peripheral nerves in continuity and
               often present with debilitating motor extremity impairment (e.g., brachial plexus injuries, compartment
               syndrome, volumetric muscle loss). Treatment strategies mostly remain supportive and necessitate usage of
               mobility aids (e.g., canes, wheelchairs) [32,33] . Recent advances in technology have led to the development of
               novel wearable exoskeleton devices . The operation principle of these devices is to detect signals from
               surface electromyography (sEMG) of distal limb muscles or electroencephalography (EEG) [32,33] . However,
               both signaling pathways have significant drawbacks that limit the utilization of these devices. For example,
               accurate extraction of neural control signals with EEG can be significantly affected by the location of
               electrode placement, body temperature, and the presence of sweat and/or hair [32,33,35] . Widespread utilization
               of both methods is also limited due to reliance on precise sensor positioning, implementation of complex
               processing  algorithms,  the  necessity  for  intensive  user  training,  and  the  need  for  continual
               recalibration [35-37] . Transcranial  recordings  from  EEG  produce  low  SNRs  and  inaccurate  signal
               detection [32,33,35] . Although sEMG signals can overcome these limitations by providing larger amplitude and
               greater motor detection, signals are prone to crosstalk from deep or adjacent muscles . In addition, when
               there is a significant pathological muscle compromise, sEMG cannot be used to detect the signals [32,33] . Thus,
               a novel peripheral nerve interface that provides high-accuracy detection of motor intent to control
               exoskeleton devices would benefit these patients.

               As RPNI was developed for individuals with amputations who have transected peripheral nerves, the
               construct was modified for peripheral nerves in continuity by developing the Muscle Cuff Regenerative
               Peripheral Nerve Interface (MC-RPNI) . The MC-RPNI also consists of a free skeletal muscle graft as in
               the RPNI, but instead, it is secured around a peripheral nerve in continuity [Figure 4]. Extensor digitorum
               longus (EDL) muscle and the common peroneal (CP) nerve are used in animal models to create the
               construct. Following the muscle harvest and nerve isolation, the graft is positioned centrally underneath the
               nerve, approximately 2 cm distal to the sciatic notch . An epineural window is created to allow collateral
               reinnervation by removing 25% of the epineurium along the anterior surface of the nerve within the MC-
               RPNI . Then, the muscle graft is wrapped circumferentially around the nerve in continuity. Regeneration
               and reinnervation through collateral axonal sprouting occur over a three-month maturation period, and the
               construct can produce dramatically amplified efferent motor action potentials from the nerve [32,33] . The CP
               nerve branch to the tibialis anterior (TA) muscle or the tendons or muscle belly of the TA is cut away from
               the EDL, immediately preceding the endpoint EMG recording. As previously shown in the RPNIs,
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