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Page 6 of 14                                                                                   Guiotto et al. Plast Aesthet Res 2023;10:26

                          9        70   M    -     Secondary Surgery      Penis,        4         3      Y     Oedema,      Reductive   Y       Scrotal      Persistent   Y              1       -           -           24
                                                                          scrotum,                             recurrent    surgery             oedema       penile
                                                                          lower limbs                          infections                       reduction,   oedema
                          10       70   M    -     Primary   Lymphatic    Penis,        4         2      Y     Pain,        Reductive   Y          Scrotal   Persistent   Y              1       -           -           24
                                                             malformation scrotum,                             oedema,      surgery             oedema       penile
                                                                          lower limbs                          recurrent                        resolution   oedema
                          11       70   M    -     Primary   Lymphatic    Penis,        34        3      Y     Recurrent    Reductive   Y          Scrotal   Persistent   Y              1       -           -           24
                                                             malformation scrotum,                             infections,   surgery            oedema       penile
                                                                          lower limbs                          pain,                            resolution,   oedema
                                                                                                               oedema                           lower limbs

                          12       37   M    -     Primary   Lymphatic    Penis,        5         2      Y     Pain,        Reductive   Y       Scrotal      Persistent   Y              1       -           -           24
                                                             malformation scrotum,                             oedema       surgery             oedema       penile
                                                                          lower limbs                                                           resolution   oedema

                          13       45   M    -     Secondary Trauma       Penis,        15        3      Y     Pain,        Reductive   Y       Scrotal      Lymphorrhea,  Y             1       -           -           24
                                                                          scrotum                              oedema,      surgery             oedema       persistent
                                                                                                               recurrent                        reduction,   penile
                                                                                                               infections,                      infection    oedema
                                                                                                               scrotal                          recurrency
                                                                                                               verrucosis                       resolution

                          14       56   M    -     Primary   Lymphatic    Penis,        41        3      Y     Pain,        Reductive   Y       Scrotal,     Lymphorrhea Y               1       -           -           132
                                                             malformation scrotum,                             recurrent    surgery +           penile,
                                                                          lower limbs                          infections,   MLVA               oedema
                                                                                                               scrotal                          reduction,
                                                                                                               verrucosis                       infection
                                                                                                               with                             recurrency
                                                                                                               lymphorrhea                      resolution
                          15       30   M    -     Primary   Lymphatic    Penis,        15        2      Y     Pain,        Reductive   Y       Scrotal,                  Y              1       -           -           60
                                                             malformation scrotum,                             oedema,      surgery +           penile,
                                                                          lower limbs                          recurrent    MLVA                oedema
                                                                                                               infections                       reduction,
                          16       74   M    -     Secondary Surgery      Penis,        4         2      Y     Pain,        Reductive   Y       Scrotal,     -            Y              1       -           -           36
                                                                          scrotum,                             oedema,      surgery             penile,
                                                                          lower limbs                          recurrent                        oedema
                                                                                                               infections                       reduction,
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