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Kobayashi et al. Mini-invasive Surg 2020;4:30  I                                     Page 3 of 8

               Table 1. Patient characteristics and surgical outcomes after technique modification
                                                 Conventional group (n = 57)  Modified group (n = 20)  P value
               Gender                                                                              1.00
                 Male:Female                            42:15                  15:5
               Age                                                                                 0.71
                 Median (IQR)                           67 (17)                64 (16)
               Body mass index                                                                     0.53
                 Median (IQR)                           21.3 (3.5)             21.0 (5.6)
                 Smoking yes/no                         43/14                  12/8                0.19
                 Alcohol yes/no                         50/7                   17/3                0.75
               Location of the main tumor                                                          0.85
                 Ce:Ut:Mt:Lt:Ae                         1:8:16:31:1            0:3:5:12:0
               Pathological type                                                                   0.32
                 SCC:AC:others                          50:5:2                 20:0:0
               Prior treatment                                                                     0.22
                 NAC:CRT:ESD:none                       26:1:4:26              10:1:1:8
               AJCC Stage                                                                          0.23
                 I:II:III:IV                            18:19:19:1             3:6:6:2
                 Thoracoscopic:Robotic:Open             44:13:0                0:20:0              < 0.0001
               Operative time (min)                                                                0.04
                 Median (IQR)                           295 (71)               266 (62)
               Bleeding (mL)                                                                       0.08
                 Median (IQR)                           150 (218)              91 (255)
               Number of dissected mediastinal LNs                                                 0.04
                 Median (IQR)                           24 (13)                29 (12)
                 Postoperative left RLNP (laryngoscopy)  10 (17.5%)            1 (5.0%)            0.27
                 Aspiration (CD2 and over)              2 (3.5%)               1 (5.0%)            1.00
                 Pneumonia (CD2 and over)               5 (8.8%)               4 (20.0%)           0.14
                 Anastomotic leakage (CD2 and over)     9 (15.8%)              2 (10.0%)           0.32
               Postoperative hospital stay (days)                                                  0.82
                 Median (IQR)                           22 (17)                22 (7)
               IQR: interquartile range; Ce: cervical esophagus; Ut: upper thoracic esophagus; Mt: middle thoracic esophagus; Lt: lower thoracic
               esophagus; Ae: abdominal esophagus; SCC: squamous cell carcinoma; AC: adenocarcinoma; NAC: neoadjuvant chemotherapy; NACRT:
               neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy; ESD: endoscopic submucosal dissection; AJCC: American Joint Committee on Cancer; LNs: lymph
               nodes; RLNP: recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis; CD: Clavien-Dindo grade

               presented as median and interquartile range. Differences in frequency of categorical variables were assessed
               with Pearson’s chi-squared test or Fisher’s exact test, whereas continuous variables were evaluated with the
               Mann-Whitney two-sample statistic as appropriate. P-values < 0.05 were considered statistically significant.


               Detection of RLNP
               Table 1 shows patients characteristics and short-term surgical results. There were 10 cases (17.5%) of RLNP
               diagnosed by laryngoscopy on post-operative day 7. The cause of RLNP was determined by video analysis.
               Typical causes of RLNP identified are shown in Figure 1. Table 2 lists all causes in the 10 cases of RLNP
               in this study. One of the cases was excluded because the RLNP was thought to be caused by direct nerve
               compression during cervical procedures. In the other nine, RLNP was found to be caused by traction in the
               thoracic cavity (n = 5), compression (n = 3), and thermal injury (n = 1).

               In terms of the reliability of IONM, the sensitivity (confirmed positive by IONM among verified cases of
               RLNP) and specificity (negative by IONM among cases of no RLNP) were 80% (8/10) and 95.7% (45/47),
               respectively [Table 3]. The positive predictive value (percentage of postoperative RLNP cases among RLNP
               cases estimated by IONM) and negative predictive value (percentage of no postoperative RLNP among
               patients with no RLNP estimated by IONM) were 80% (8/10) and 95.7% (45/47), respectively.

               Surgical technique
               Based on the above results, we modified our surgical procedure to try to avoid RLNP. To counter thermal
               injury, it is necessary to identify the location of the RLN in advance by using IONM as before. We
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