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Page 8 of 11                                  Pais-Costa et al. Mini-invasive Surg 2018;2:33  I

               Table 3. QoL variables
               Dimension         Time    Mean (SD)  Multivariate model a  Within subjects Baseline contrast c  Last period contrast c
               Physical functionating  Baseline  96.9 (2.5)  < 0.001  < 0.001
                                1 mo     93.1 (5.5)                               0.002         0.002
                                3 mo     94.7 (5.2)                               0.22          0.001
                                6 mo     95.5 (4.9)                               0.98          0.004
                                12 mo    96.4 (3.9)                               1.00          0.39
               Social functionating  Baseline  99.4 (0.7)  0.48
                                1 mo     98.8 (2.9)
                                3 mo     99.3 (1.3)
                                6 mo     99.6 (0.7)
                                12 mo    99.7 (0.6)
               Mental health    Baseline  91.7 (5.1)   < 0.001       < 0.001
                                1 mo     93.2 (8.1)                               1.00          1.00
                                3 mo     95.8 (4.2)                               0.002         0.29
                                6 mo     97.9 (2.5)                               < 0.001       0.023
                                12 mo    97.2 (3)                                 < 0.001       1.00
               Bodily pain      Baseline  97.4 (2.2)   < 0.001       0.032
                                1 mo     95.4 (6.2)                               0.81          0.81
                                3 mo     96.5 (4.5)                               1.00          0.40
                                6 mo     97.6 (2.8)                               1.00          0.09
                                12 mo    97.6 (2.8)                               1.00          1.00
               Vitality         Baseline  97.6 (4.5)   0.009         0.001
                                1 mo     96.4 (4.8)                               0.29          0.29
                                3 mo     95.7 (5)                                 0.044         1.00
                                6 mo     97.2 (3.4)                               1.00          0.007
                                12 mo    98.5 (2.1)                               1.00          0.035
               Role physical    Baseline  93.1 (2.9)   0.008         < 0.001
                                1 mo     90.3 (5.6)                               0.01          0.01
                                3 mo     92.4 (3.8)                               1.00          0.003
                                6 mo     92.8 (3.4)                               1.00          1.00
                                12 mo    93.8 (2.9)                               1.00          0.13
               Role emotional   Baseline  89.5 (7.1)   < 0.001       < 0.001
                                1 mo     93.2 (5.2)                               0.45          0.45
                                3 mo     95.9 (3.6)                               0.005         0.69
                                6 mo     96.4 (3.1)                               0.001         0.99
                                12 mo    97.3 (2.7)                               < 0.001       0.08
               General health   Baseline  95.6 (7.6)   < 0.001       0.037
                                1 mo     97.5 (1.2)                               1.00          1.00
                                3 mo     98.7 (1.2)                               0.26          < 0.001
                                6 mo     99.1 (0.8)                               0.11          0.61
                                12 mo    99.4 (0.9)                               0.24          0.83
               a Wilks’ lambda;  F-test with Greenhouse-Geisser correction for violation of sphericity;  post hoc pairwise comparisons with Bonferroni
               adjustment for multiple comparisons. SD: standard deviation
               short hospital stay, low morbidity (6.4%) and no mortality are clearly in accordance with the many
               advantages reported in previous studies. The surgical margin was adequate in all cases, despite the lack of
               intraoperative palpation that is inherent to this method. Late recurrence in this series was a rare event (only
               6%), and given that they occurred distant in liver parenchyma, they could perhaps be attributed to more
               aggressive biological behavior in those two cases.

               Benign lesions of the liver usually occur in young patients, who care not only to achieve an early return to
               work and sports practice, but also to maintain a good QoL and a pleasing body image. Giuliani et al.  have
               demonstrated that the laparoscopic approach was superior regarding the QoL of patients who underwent
               operations due to benign liver lesions. In the present study we observed that there was an excellent
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