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Ohmori et al.                                                                                                                                                                                              FPCF for bony stenosis

                                                              Full-endoscopic  spinal surgery,  which is called
                                                              percutaneous  endoscopic  spinal  surgery,  was  first
                                                              reported by Mayer and Brock [21]  for the treatment of
                                                              lumbar disc herniation. Since then,  surgeons have
                                                              developed  a percutaneous endoscopic lumbar
                                                              discectomy  through  a transforaminal  approach. [22-24]
                                                              In 2010, Choi et al. [25]  devised a new technique that
                                                              approached the disc herniation through an interlaminar
                                                              window. Dezawa and Sairyo  [26]  further evolved  the
                                                              procedure using a high-speed drill. Advances in the
                                                              interlaminar  approach procedure have facilitated the
           Figure 4: Postoperative computer tomography shows that vertical
           fracture line is on the medial side on C6 vertebral lamina (arrow). R:   application of full-endoscopic spinal surgery to cervical
           right side                                         spine disease.
           pain VAS score at the final follow-up in group H (2.9 ±   There are two approaches for full-endoscopic surgery
           1.4) was significantly lower than that in group S (12 ±   in the cervical spine:  anterior [27,28]  and  posterior. [17-20]
           16.4) (P < 0.05). However, the postoperative arm pain   Anterior percutaneous endoscopic cervical discectomy
           VAS scores were the same in both groups (group H 14   requires more careful techniques compared with
           ± 21, group S 14 ± 18.6). In both groups, 52% of the   FPCF. [28]  Therefore, endoscopic spinal surgeons who
           facet joint (group H 52 ± 8.5%, group S 52 ± 6.7%) was   have performed percutaneous  endoscopic  lumbar
           resected.                                          discectomy  find  FPCF  a  relatively  easy  technique
                                                              to learn. However, it has been  reported  that the
           Case presentation                                  indication for  FPCF  is  limited  to  treatment  of  lateral
           An 84-year-old female presented with very severe arm   disc herniation. [17-20]  To our knowledge, this is the first
           and neck pain on the right side. Conservative therapy   description of outcomes of FPCF for bony stenosis of
           was pursued for 3 months with no improvement in    the intervertebral foramen.
           symptoms. Severe bony stenosis of the intervertebral
           foramen with spondylosis at C5/6 was observed on the   In this study,  two complications  were observed in
           sagittal and axial views of CT images [Figure 5A and B]   groupH, both of which occurred soon after we began
           and on the axial view on MRI [Figure 5C], and FPCF   to  perform FPCF  for  lateral disc herniation at  our
           was performed. The operation time was 113 min. The   institution.  There  were  no  significant  differences  in
           C6 nerve root and lateral margin of the dura mater on   the clinical  parameters  of operation  time, length  of
           the right were completely decompressed  [Figure 6].   postoperative hospital stay, arm pain VAS at the final
           Postoperative  CT  showed  that  the  intervertebral   follow-up, or percent of facet joint resection between
           foramen was successfully decompressed [Figure 7]   the groups. These results suggest that FPCF is suitable
           and that 42% of the facet joint had been resected. The   for  patients with bony stenosis of  the intervertebral
           patient’s VAS scores for neck and pain improved from   foramen. When FPCF is performed in these patients, it
           45.2 to 10.1 and from 63.4 to 5.2, respectively.   is very important to be careful when drilling the lamina

                     A                  B                              C

           Figure 5: (A) Sagittal computer tomography (CT) reveals that the intervertebral foramen is markedly narrowed on the right side at C5/6
           (arrow); (b) foraminal stenosis and deformity of the facet joint on the right side are also observed in axial CT image (arrow); (C) axial magnetic
           resonance imaging image also reveals that the foraminal stenosis on the right side is severe compared to that on the left (arrow). R: right side
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