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Topic: Minimally Invasive

                                                          Esophageal Surgery

                                                          Dr. Itasu Ninomiya  graduated from  Kanazawa
                                                          University, School of Medicine in 1988. He was
                                                          awarded the degree of Doctor of medicine in 1994. He
                                                          completed a residency in gastroenterological surgery
                                                          at  Kanazawa  University  Hospital.  He  is an  active
                                                          member in International Society of Surgery (ISS/SIC),
                                                          Japan Surgical Society (JSS), Japanese Society of
                                                          Gastroenterological Surgery (JSGS), Japan Society for
                                                          Endoscopic Surgery (JSES), Japan Surgical Association
                                                          (JSA), Japanese Association for Thoracic Surgery
                                                          (JATS), Japan Esophageal Society (JES), Japanese
                                                          Gastric Cancer Association (JGCA), Japanese Society
                                                          of Gastroenterology (JSG), Japan Gastroenterological
                                                          Endoscopy Society (JGES), and Japanese Society for
                           Itasu Ninomiya                 Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (JSCNM). He is a
                                                          councilor in JSGS, JSES, JSA, JATS and JES.
               Associate Professor of Department of
                      Gastroenterological Surgery,
              Director of Department of Endoscopy,        He engages in the approvement of specialist in
                    Kanazawa University Hospital,         esophageal surgery by JES and that in endoscopic
                      Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan.          surgery by JSES. He has authored over 200 peer-
                 Associate Professor of Department        reviewed publications.
                of Gastroenterological Surgery, and
              Director of Department of Endoscopy,
                    Kanazawa University Hospital,         His ongoing  focus on  clinical  research  is based  on
                      Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan.          esophageal endoscopic surgery including robotic

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