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Topic: Genetics, Diagnosis

                                                          and Treatment of Rare


                                                          Individually uncommon, rare diseases
                                                          collectively impact many lives and may
                                                          inform our knowledge  of more  common
                                                          conditions. With advances in molecular
                                                          based technologies, our ability to detect and
                                                          screen for genetic disorders has improved,
               Dr. Andrea L. Gropman                      and led to identification of new syndromes,

                                                          almost weekly. Additionally, we are
               Andrea Gropman, M.D.,                      learning the functional consequences of
               FAAP, FACMG, FANA, is                      genetic variations, some of which may serve
               the principal investigator of
               the Urea Cycle Disorders                   as druggable targets. In the rare disease
               Consortium (UCDC) and the                  space, the  concept  of treatment  has taken
               UCDC imaging consortium                    on  several  meanings including  traditional
               and serves as leadership                   pharmacological  approaches  specific  for
               roles on the RDCRN and                     a  condition, drug  repurposing,  as well  as
               in genetic, metabolic and                  RNA based, gene therapies, oligonucleotide
               neurology societies. Dr.                   approaches, splice  switching approaches,
               Gropman serves as the division             N of one  therapies, and genome  editing.
               chief for Neurogenetics                    This special  edition  entitled “Genetics,
               and Neurodevelopmental                     Diagnosis and Treatment of Rare Diseases”
               disabilities. Her research                 will highlight the advances in genetic
               interest focuses on establishing           technologies that have advanced diagnosis,
               biomarkers of neurological                 understanding of  molecular mechanisms,
               injury in patients with inborn             target identification and therapies.
               errors of metabolism, such
               as urea cycle disorders and
               mitochondrial disorders, using
               specialized neuroimaging
               modalities and cell markers.
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