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Topic: Translational

                                                          Research into Retinal


                                                          The translation of retinal research from bench to
                                                          bedside is of utmost importance because of the
                                                          urgent need to provide innovative treatments for
                                                          individuals affected by the devastating blinding
                                                          disorders. One promising approach is to tailor
                                                          treatment options to the causal genetic insult
                                                          and mode of inheritance. For example, while
                                                          autosomal  recessive  inheritance  can  benefit
                                                          from gene augmentation, a dominant negative
              Prof. Bernhard H.F.                         disease may be better targeted by disrupting
              Weber                                       the disease-causing allele. Further, complex
                                                          diseases which develop at the interface between

              Prof. Weber is the full                     genetic predisposition and environmental
              Professor, head of Institute of             risk factors generally lack a straightforward
              Human Genetics, University                  therapeutic approach. The Special Issue on
              of Regensburg Germany. The                  “Translational Research into Retinal Diseases”
              focus of the research group of              addresses a number of topics focused on the
              Bernhard Weber is on disease                manifold opportunities and unique challenges
              mechanisms in hereditary as                 in the field of neuro-retinal disease:
              well as multifactorial retinal
              degenerations. Prof. Weber                  1.Methodological advances in iPSC-derived
              mainly focuses on Genetics,                 2D/3D retinal cells;
              Macular degeneration,
              Stargardt disease, Gene and
              Exon. His work on Genetics                  2.Methodological  advances in  animal  models
              is being expanded to include                of retinal disease;
              thematically relevant topics
              such as Phenylbutyrate.                     3.Development of therapeutic concepts;
              His studies in Macular
              degeneration integrate themes               4.Demonstration of potential treatment options.
              in fields like Eye disease,
              Genetic risk, Fundus and Age
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