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Topic: Genetics and

                                                          Epigenetics of Prostate

                                                          Cancer: from Etiology to


                                                          Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of death in
                                                          men and its development and progression is dependent
               Prof. Sanjay Gupta                         on androgens/androgen receptor. The etiology of prostate
                                                          cancer still remains elusive with genetic, epigenetic,
               Prof. Sanjay Gupta is a Professor & Research   environmental, and lifestyle factors associated with
               Director holding the Carter Kissell Endowed Chair   increased disease risk. The post-genome era research
               in Urologic Oncology in the Department of Urology
               at Case Western Reserve University, USA and   on  prostate  cancer  has  identified  genetic  variations
               The Urology Institute at the University Hospitals   associated with the disease including potential germline
               Cleveland Medical Center. He also has secondary   polymorphisms and allelic imbalances  linked with
               appointments in the Departments of Nutrition   prostate cancer susceptibility. Epigenetic mechanisms
               and Division of General Medical Sciences at Case   such as DNA hyper- or hypo- methylation, histone
               Comprehensive Cancer Center. Additionally,   modifications  and  involvement  of  non-coding  RNAs
               Prof. Gupta has a joint appointment as Research   in gene transcription permit unchanging inheritance of
               Scientist at the Louis Stokes VA Medical Center,   phenotypes without changes in the DNA sequence. Such
               Cleveland, Ohio. He joined Case Western Reserve   epigenetic  modifications  are  developed  as  biomarkers
               University’s School of Medicine as a faculty member
               in 2022. Prof. Gupta’s research encompasses basic,   for early detection, stratification and risk assessment of
               translational and clinical areas of focus. In the   prostate  cancer.  In  addition,  current  treatment  options
               realm of basic research, he aims to understand the   and novel drug combinations have strong potential for
               risk factors and mechanisms of prostatic, breast,   durable therapeutic responses and eventual cures  for
               kidney and bladder diseases and develop appropriate   advanced disease. Improved disease management will
               biomarkers for early detection and prognosis. His   also  benefit  from  artificial  intelligence-based  decision
               translational research endeavors involve identifying   support for disease prognosis and appropriate standard
               novel targets to assess the efficacy of various   of care to minimize overtreatment of localized disease,
               synthetic and natural small molecules, with the
               goal of developing them as chemopreventatives/  and new standards of care augmented by next-generation
               therapeutics. Furthermore, his clinical research   adaptive clinical trials. The aim of this Special Issue on
               interests lie in translating bench research into   prostate cancer is to provide an updated knowledge on
               practical applications in clinical settings. Prof.   the epidemiology, etiology, diagnosis and treatment of
               Gupta has authored over 150 publications, including   prostate cancer.
               book chapters,research articles, and reviews. He has
               also delivered presentations at numerous national
               and international cancer prevention symposiums,
               seminars, and meetings. He has contributed to
               various study sections at the National Cancer
               Institute (NCI) and Department of Defense (DOD),
               and other global councils.
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