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Oquendo et al. J Transl Genet Genom 2021;5:89-111  Page 103

               Table 3. Overall response rates to novel signalling inhibitor in phase 2 studies of relapsed/refractory patients with SMZL. *1 patient
               was unevaluable
                Phase 2 study    Novel agent    Activity           No. of patients     ORR %
                PCYC 1121        Ibrutinib      BTKi               14                  62
                MAGNOLIA         Zanabrutinib   BTKi               12                  50
                CHRONOS-1        Copanlisib     Pan Class 1 PI3Ki  4                   75*
                CITADEL          Parsaclisib    PI3K delta i       35                  63
                UTX-TGR          Umbralisib     PIK3 delta + CK1 i  69 MZL (8 SMZL)    55 (whole cohort)

               state and the MZ origin of the disease will be critical. This will likely identify further disease subgroups,
               extending the important study from Arribas et al. , which identified the PRC2 epitype using low-
               resolution array-based promoter DNA methylation and expression profiling. Moreover, a comparison
               between the methylome of SMZL and other mature B-cell neoplasms, will likely provide valuable
               information with utility for disease classification, particularly for patients that are currently difficult to
               precisely diagnose. DNA methylation also has potential in identifying the proliferative history of a tumour
               cell, as passive accumulation of DNA methylation in repressed regions without detectable function is a
               feature that can be used as a clock of cellular proliferation [95,123] .

               Experiments focusing on complex karyotype SMZL cases, particularly given their high frequency, will
               provide novel biological and clinically relevant information, as complexity points to a key dysregulation of
               appropriate cell cycle control or DNA damage response pathways in these patients, and has been linked to
               poor survival in SMZL  and in other mature B-cell lymphomas [124-126] , including in the context of novel
               targeted therapies [127,128] . Systematic analysis of the complex landscape of the SMZL genome, with high-
               density arrays or WGS, would provide a more granular view of the levels and types of complexity that
               define these patients, and would help clarify disease-specific definition of complexity, which would both aid
               in appropriate patient prognostication, but also identify key cases for functional analysis; particularly those
               exhibiting genomic complexity in the absence of established drivers, such as TP53 or ATM disfunction.

               Given its intricate association with genomic complexity another attractive approach is the analysis of
               telomere structure and dynamics. Acute telomere attrition leads to the uncapping of chromatid ends, and in
               normal tissues results in the activation of senescence checkpoints, with a key pre-malignant tumour-
               suppressor function. Telomere attrition leads to intra- and inter-chromosomal end fusions, the formation of
               dicentric chromosomes with consequential breakage during anaphase, and genomic complexity, through
               the mechanisms of breakage-fusion-bridge formation . The majority of human tumours exhibit eroded
               telomere length, compared to the corresponding normal tissue . In line with this, several mature B-cell
               tumour cohorts, particularly CLL, have been shown to contain a proportion of patients with the shortest
               telomeres, which are more likely to exhibit poor risk-genomic lesions, have unmutated IGHV genes, and
               harbour a complex genome and significantly poorer clinical outcome [131,132] . However, to date, preliminary
               telomere length analysis of SMZL has only been published in abstract form showing an enrichment of short
               telomeres in patients with progressive disease . This approach should be extended to large patient cohorts,
               and is likely to be highly informative, particularly given the aforenoted enrichment of cases with karyotypic
               complexity and the significant clinical heterogeneity that exists. There are a number of approaches to
               quantify telomere length, but one likely approach would be a PCR-based approach, such as the MMQ-PCR
               assay , as this is highly scalable, cost effective and requires a small amount of DNA for analysis. However,
               given that MMQ-PCR quantifies only a mean telomere length, the single telomere length amplification
               assay would be the ideal choice, as this allows the quantification of telomere length for a single chromosome
               in a single cell . There are also approaches being developed such as TeSLA and TCA, both of which
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