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Page 2 of 45                          Mooraj et al. J Mater Inf 2023;3:4

               Throughout history, metallurgists have altered the properties and compositions of alloys to achieve higher-
               performance materials. Traditional alloy design strategies involved microalloying trace elements into a
               primary base element, resulting in the discovery of many valuable alloys such as Cu-based bronze, Fe-based
               steels, and Ni-based superalloys. Over time the increasing demand for high-performance materials has led
               to increasingly complex alloys . This trend has peaked in the past 20 years with the introduction of multi-
               principal element alloys or high-entropy alloys (HEAs) . Unlike traditional alloys, HEAs do not contain a
               single primary element; instead, multiple elements in the alloy are mixed in relatively similar (almost
               equiatomic) concentrations. Cantor and Yeh first popularized this new alloying strategy concept in 2004
               when they independently published works describing the manufacture and design philosophy of this new
               class of alloys . Since the publication of these two works, the field of HEAs has exploded as such a new
               alloy design paradigm opens up a vast compositional space that was previously unexplored . Although
               some fundamental questions such as phase selection and diffusion kinetics in HEAs remain elusive, many
                                            [6-8]          [9]                                    [10-12]
               HEAs have shown high strength , large ductility , exceptional hardness and wear resistance  , and
               superior corrosion resistance .
               Despite the great potential that HEAs present for researchers, some crucial challenges must be overcome to
               increase their viability for future applications. While HEAs open up an uncharted multicomponent
               compositional space for material design, the vast compositional space makes it impractical to explore via
               traditional metallurgical techniques . Additionally, the cost of HEAs can vary wildly due to the variety of
               possible elemental combinations. Some alloy systems only contain cheap transition metals (Fe, Ni, Cr)
               that may be easy to scale, while other systems contain refractory elements (W, Nb, Ta) , which can
               significantly raise the cost of material. Finally, processing history significantly affects the microstructure and
               material properties even for a given nominal alloy composition. Many processing conditions including
               temperature, cooling rate, mechanical deformation, and irradiation can play a significant role in the
               formation of constituent phases and microstructures in HEAs [17-20] . Hence, processing imposes an additional
               and orthogonal dimension that multiplies with the huge compositional dimension and makes it more
               difficult to efficiently identify high-performance alloys using conventional alloy development strategies [21-23] .
               Thus, it is paramount for researchers to utilize efficient workflow to minimize the cost and experimental
               trials to study HEAs.

               Over the past decade, many high-throughput material development techniques have emerged to tackle the
               combinatorial nature of HEAs. These techniques include magnetron sputtering, diffusion multiples, and
               additive manufacturing. Magnetron sputtering uses a magnetically confined plasma to accelerate positively
               charged ions toward a target material, leading to the sputtering of the target atoms onto a substrate to form
               a thin film with a thickness ranging from a few nanometers to a few microns . A combinatorial materials
               library can be built by sputtering multiple elemental targets onto a single substrate [24-29] . The diffusion
               multiples method involves arranging different metals such that they are physically touching. Then this
               configuration is heated to an elevated temperature that enables atomic diffusion across the interfaces
               between the different metals. This process leads to a compositional gradient near the interface that serves as
               a compositional library  . Despite the large compositional space that diffusion multiples and magnetron
               sputtering can achieve, these approaches encounter some difficult issues. Both techniques involve samples
               of microscopic length scales, and thus, the microstructures and material properties observed from these
               libraries may not be representative of these materials at bulk scales. In addition, magnetron sputtering
               involves extremely high cooling rates on the order of 10  K/s, which are substantially higher than those
               involved in routine metal manufacturing [35,36] . As such, the phases and microstructures in sputtered thin
               films are almost exclusively polymorphic or even amorphous and thus do not represent the microstructures
               of bulk materials for most practical applications.
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