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Paul J Cancer Metastasis Treat 2020;6:29  I                                    Page 7 of 31

               are differently activated in different CSCs. Some CSCs may “instigate” or “educate” the stromal cells by
               secreting signals that induce changes in these cells that facilitate local invasion of the tumor . Other
               distinct population of stem cells, so called migrating cancer stem (MCS) cells, may be responsible for
               metastasis as proposed originally by Brabletz . Recently, this population of tumor cells with MCS
               properties was identified in a study conducted at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Institute (MSKCI) .
               Using a colorectal cancer mouse model, the MSKCI investigators found two distinct population of stem
               cells: an adenoma forming stem cells population with oncogenic mutations and a L1CAM positive tumor-
               propagating metastasis-initiating stem cells without oncogenic mutations .

               A pervasive oncology dogma postulates that cancer develops in a linear way by initially growing locally,
               then subsequently invading the tissue where they appear and, finally, if given enough time, in the majority
               of cases, metastasize. Experimental data and clinical practice suggest that this assumption is incorrect. Some
               cancers, like breast or prostate, for example, sometimes behave as benign tumors that do not invade locally
               or metastasize and, maybe, this is why, the global, indiscriminately screening programs for breast and
               prostate cancers, may lead to over treatment of some patients. Another example is sarcoma, where roughly
               50% of the sarcoma metastasize and 50% do not . As demonstrated by the work of Ganesh et al. , the
               classical step by step genetic model of colorectal carcinogenesis of Fearon and Vogelstein  may not apply
               to the metastatic process who does not involve a specific set of mutated genes. The different activation of
               different cancer cells programs in tumors of different types might explain the striking difference in clinical
               stage presentations of different cancer locations. For example, as many as 55% of squamous head and neck
               cancer presents as stage 4 most frequently with lymph nodes metastasis , but only approximately 7% of
               thyroid cancers present as stage 4 . The presence of distinct cellular programs in cancer may also solve
               the enigma of the existence of carcinomas of unknown origin where the primary tumor is never found. It is
               conceivable that in metastasis of cancers of unknown origin the metastatic program is activated before the
               division and invasive programs.

               The hallmarks of cancer described by Hanahan and Weinberg in their two articles [18,19] , refer mainly to
               the cellular and tissular hallmarks of cancer. More recently , Welch and Hurst proposed four cancer
               hallmarks specifically associated with the metastatic process: motility and invasion, colonization, plasticity
               and modulation but these four hallmarks are practically identical with the succesive steps of the metastatic
               process described more than a decade ago by Joao Massagué [20,21]  and his collaborators. In this paper, we
               describe six novel systemic cancer hallmarks, that appear as a result of the interaction between cancer and
               the organism at the macroscopic level. The first systemic hallmark is the cancer system itself established
               through the connections between the primary tumor, the bone marrow and the distal metastasis. The five
               other systemic hallmarks are as following: the global inflammation, the immunity inhibition, the metabolic
               changes leading to cachexia, the propensity to thrombosis, and the neuro-endocrine changes [Figure 4].

               Each of these six hallmarks is established through a different CISPN. In the sections below, I will discuss
               one by one, the six CISPN. The accompanying figures [Figures 5-10] are raw sketches illustrating the salient
               components of the different CISPN. Apart from the nervous system, the connections between the CISPN
               components are made through exosomes, cytokines and other soluble factors, represented by the dotted

               The primary tumor-metastasis network
               Clinically, it has been noticed for a long time that the primary tumor and the distal metastases are
               interconnected and co-dependent. In some cases of renal cell cancer, for example, resecting the primary
               tumor induces a regression in the distal metastasis . On the contrary, in several experimental models, as
               shown by Folkman and his collaborators, resecting the primary tumor may accelerate the development of
               metastasis [58,59] . Over the last two decades, it has been demonstrated also that besides this primary tumor-
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