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D'Angelo et al. J Cancer Metastasis Treat 2019;5:30  I                      Page 5 of 18

                                            Table 4. Characteristics of gastric metastasis
                                    Variables              Number of patients  n (%)
                                    Gastric Histology
                                       Biopsy                    45            80
                                       Definitive specimen       11            20
                                    ER status (stomach)
                                       Positive                  50            91
                                       Negative                  5             9
                                    PgR status (stomach)
                                       Positive                  28            61
                                       Negative                  18            39
                                    HER2 (stomach)
                                       Positive                  11            30
                                       Negative                  25            70
                                    CK7 (stomach)
                                       Positive                  21            91
                                       Negative                  2             9
                                    GCDFP-15 (stomach)
                                       Positive                  9             75
                                       Negative                  3             25
                                    CK20 (stomach)
                                       Positive                  1             5
                                       Negative                  20            95
                                    MGB (stomach)
                                       Positive                  6             86
                                       Negative                  1             14
                                    GATA-3 (stomach)
                                       Positive                  4             100
                                       Negative                  0             0
                                    CDX-2 (stomach)
                                       Positive                  0             0
                                       Negative                  7             100
                                       Positive                  3             37
                                       Negative                  5             63
               ER: estrogen receptor; PgR: progesterone receptor; HER: human epithelial receptor; CK: cytokeratin; GCDFP-15: gross cystic disease fluid
               protein 15; MGB: mammoglobine

               presentation, but they analyzed all gastric metastases from other primary tumors and not only the ones
               related to breast cancer.

               Alternative instrumental tools
               Other instrumental tools were not frequently cited. Ayantude and Aurello mentioned that computed
               tomography (CT) is commonly used to evaluate thickened visceral wall or the presence of other metastases.
               Namikawa observed that PET has a low sensitivity in diagnosing metastasis, but it may be useful to evaluate
               response to treatment in those tumors with intense FDG (F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose) uptake.

               Gastric biopsy/histology
               Two articles reported that gastric biopsy may be negative in 30% or even in 50% of the cases because the
               tumor cells infiltrate the submucosal layer and not the mucosal layer, which shows a normal histological
               aspect; there is thus a need for performing deeper biopsy in order to study also underlying layers, which is
               essential in this particular metastatic pattern. The most common reported histological pattern is signet ring
               cells, as cited in seven articles, which in some cases may be confused with tumor of gastric origin.

               Gastric metastasis receptor
               Immunohistochemistry is essential for differentiating gastric metastasis from primary tumor; positivity
               for estrogen and progesterone receptors in gastric metastasis is reported in seven articles, and they are the
               main receptors that direct the diagnosis to a secondary tumor of breast origin. Metastases of breast tumor
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